Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Blogging Sense

"They're saying the same things that people would routinely say around the water cooler, only now they're saying them in a forum that can be read by millions of people."
From: Have a blog, lose your job?

I've noticed that trend myself, but more, I've noticed that people say things on blogs that they would never say to a person's face. It's as if the distance provided the internet disarms people's common-sense meters.

However, if we really think about it, that distance is a complete illusion. Anyone can read what a blogger writes, including bosses, the people a blogger may be snarking about in cyberspace but befriending in real life, your granny, your teachers....the list goes on. Which makes me wonder why people do it. I can understand an anonymous blogger getting caught out, but I don't understand people who blog under their own name, say stuff they'd never say in the real world, and then are surprised when they're discovered!

Tell me your thoughts on this. Do you think bloggers should be able to say anything they like under the principles of free speech, or is a little discretion not only necessary, but advisable?


Nalini Singh said...

Read what? ;) (I'm sure you'll love it though!)

Heather - yup, yup, YUP!!

Anonymous said...

I try to watch what I say even under a psuedonym. I just can't see making enemies where the entire world can see being good for your career.

I only talk about books I like on the blog because I believe in Karma, really don't need a bite on the ass from that either. :)

Great subject!

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