Thursday, April 20, 2006

New Market, Contest & More!

Today I give you a roundup of links, which I've slaved hours over mining from the vast reaches of the Internet.

To start off,
my agent Nephele Tempest has a post up about a new paying short-fiction market. And The Knight Agency as a whole is running a contest giving away copies of their author's books. Given how super duper the Knight Agency authors are *G*, I'd highly recommend entering to win!

Diana Peterfreund's talking about Heroic Archetypes (of Narnia). Go hassle her. ;)

Tess Gerritsen posted about how difficult it is for a writer to stop writing even when they've been looking forward to a break. I was nodding most of the way through this post. I turn into a completely lost soul after finishing a book.

There's an interesting interview with Allison Brennan here where she talks about her life and her journey to publication. I always like hearing how writers got to where they are are today, which is why I also enjoy MJ Rose's Backstory blog. Stuart Wood's recent entry on the best title he ever came up with was very funny.

And for the poets among you, here's a post on Bookslut stating that: "It's exceptional for a journal to get one poem out of three across to any given reader."


Jade L Blackwater said...

Thanks for all the links Nalini!

Cyn Bagley said...

Thanks for the links... I need to start sending out stories again.

Nalini Singh said...

You're welcome. :)

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