Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Just for Fun

I figure every blog should have a ridiculous survey once in a while, so here's one for this blog: What's the oddest/strangest/weirdest thing you've ever eaten?

In my case, the prize would probably have to go to the possibly cooked, possibly raw sea snail in a shell that I made a blood-pact with another friend to eat at a dinner party last year. All I can say is never again. Ever.


Nalini Singh said...

I never knew anyone who ate an ant before! You're a braver woman than me, that's for sure. How giant was it???

On the same topic, I once saw a documentary on tv about a restaurant where they only serve insects. People were (literally) crunching away. Imagine being taken there for a first date *G*

Anonymous said...

It's probably not that wierd for a lot of people but I tried kangaroo and crocodile and emu when I visited Australia.

I used to go to a grocery store in Seattle where they sold rattlesnake meat.

Nalini Singh said...

Emma, I've seen kangaroo meat in stores back in NZ but never had the guts to try it.

tortured artist - I can just see your face when your friend pulled out a bag of ants. Good on you for trying!

Funny, the only things I really know about Seattle come from Jayne Ann Krentz books. Who says fiction doesn't teach you stuff?

Nalini Singh said...

Laura, I'm lost for words. That may be the weirdest thing I've ever heard anyone admit to eating.

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