Friday, September 09, 2005

Scaredy Cats Unite

I went through a phase in high school of reading horror, including the collected works of Stephen King and Dean Koontz. However, these days, it's not a genre I spend much time in...because I've turned into a chicken in my old age.

Last night, after finishing the second draft of a proposal, I took time off from writing and decided to read. For some reason, the book I was drawn to was Prophecy by Peter James. A horror novel. What was I thinking? That it had an interesting premise and the back-cover copy sounded interesting. That turned out to be the complete truth - I read the book straight through, hooked from the get-go. Then I realized it was dark. And there were weird shadows on the walls. And you know in the book, people don't 'altogether die'. Uh-oh.

I should've learnt my lesson from "the movie that shall not be named" (it involves a video-cassette that's far more terrifying than it should be). After I watched that movie, I kept looking over my shoulder for days thinking about a certain creepy image. My friends weren't any help - they kept telling me to watch the original Japanese version which was scarier.

So, what scares you? Let's tell ghost stories around the virtual campfire. On second thought...


Anonymous said...

I saw a movie trailor on The Exorcism of Emily Rose. Anything with Demonic possession scares the bejeebers out of me! I'd never make it through the movie. I can't even read scary books. I'm a big baby when it comes to all things creepy.

Evangeline Holland said...

LOL. I was just watching the sequel to the "movie who shall not be named" and it didn't scare me. I found it to be more psychological than horror,IMO. But what scares me? Zombies. The thought of dead people that you can't kill coming after me gives me the wig.

Nalini Singh said...

Kendra - welcome to the big baby club. I'll post you your pacifier later. LOL

Hi Sienna - Gosh you're a braver woman than me to watch a sequel to 'that' movie. For some bizarre reason though, zombies don't scare me - I saw Dawn of the Dead and found it interesting but not scarifying.

Btw I have a character named Sienna in 'Slave to Sensation'. :)

Unknown said...

"what scares me is the chance that someone you trust could lie to you..."

mwahahaha, was that just a chickflick i saw? :)

Diana Peterfreund said...

I won't watch scary movies. Even the recent batman and the scenes of the maggots were a little too much for me. I watched the Others and The Sixth Sense -- that's about as "horror" as I get.

Won't watch "that" movie at all. I was flipping channels one night and saw ONE image, the face, I think, of the first girl that dies watching the tape, and tat was plenty. Nightmares for days.

Oddly enough, I love horror novels. Can't get enough of them.

Nalini Singh said...

Lol elnino.

Diana! How could you put that image in my mind?! I am not scared. I am not scared. I am not scared...

Evangeline Holland said...

LOL!!! Come one you guys!! "That" movie isn't as frightening as you think. *G*

Nalini Singh said...

You know Yvonne, if you lived near me, I'd probably have rung your doorbell at 3am and asked you to sit with me! ;)

I love KH, too but she doesn't give me nightmares. Maybe because it's too way out there so it doesn't seem real?? Then again, if that logic worked, the thought of a creepy video tape wouldn't freak me out.

Bronwyn Jameson said...

Can I have a pacifier too, Nalini? Because I sure am a member of the Scaredy Cats Club. No horror movies or books for me, not since I saw that movie with Damien, the possessed child. Was that The Omen???

Nalini Singh said...

It's on it's way Bron!

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