Monday, July 04, 2005

Blogging 101

Finally, after months of saying I was going to do it, I've set up a blog. Since I'm compulsively secretive, you probably won't find me posting any deep, dark secrets. However, I will post lots of interesting stuff about romance novels (which may or may not include shameless promotion), bollywood movies (I am a fan and not afraid to admit it) and life in Japan (yup, that's where I am).

For my first interesting fact, I'd like to note that 2feet tall children are really, really scary. I was mobbed by about a thousand of them (okay, maybe more like 35) earlier today and let me tell you, they could've taken me. Easy. So what apparently 'harmless' thing scares you?


Kate Johnson said...

Children scare me too. Expecially since they really seem to like me!

Pretty blog, Nalini. Yay for taking the plunge!

Pogz said...

Common. I'm sure you can tell us some secrets!!!

Nalini Singh said...

Thanks for dropping by guys. Kim, K8 - thx for the compliments re the site. Yay for templates! Butterflies, Emily? That's the first time I've heard that - so you must not visit a lot of gardens then??? Pogz, well you never know...(that's me trying to tantalize you into coming back) ;)

Anonymous said...

Birds. The pretty ones that land on your shoulders and head in those bird sanctuary places. Shudder. Can't stand those. And Nalini, I do understand about the mobbing children, having spent a day at Disneyland in Japan.

Gail Dayton said...

Nalini, no one blames you for your fear of children. They ARE scary. Especially if they're yours.


Nalini Singh said...

Gail, you're hilarious! And Bron - having once been stalked by a sparrow, I understand about the birds. ;)

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