Friday, September 30, 2022

Friday Book Club

 Friday Book Club time! What reads are you loving this week?


library addict said...

My favorite book this week was Jeannie Chin's Return to Cherry Blossom Way (Blue Cedar Cove #2).

Also read Rebecca Crowley's Coming Home to You (Orchard Hill #3) and Nicole Helm's The Lost Hart Triplet (Covert Cowboy Soldiers #1).

S-R-B said...

Working on The Golden Enclaves by Naomi Novik - third book of the trilogy it's a part of. Once I'm done with it, planning to read Crowbones by Anne Bishop (one of my TBR pile books).

Kim said...

My library request for Storm Echo came in today!!! As it's late, and almost bedtime already, I may have to wait until tomorrow to start it. Really, the only reason I didn't get to it this evening is because of the only other entertainment related thing more important was on tv tonight: Law & Order (x3). (okay, the FBIs might also take precedence. But I haven't actually run across that problem in this instance, so that's only speculative.)

Eva said...

Storm the Gates #1 by Juliette Cross. This is a New Adult, college-aged dark academy romance. It is the first book in a trilogy and it´s very addictive.

ddsun.rm said...

I've been reading Karla Sorenson's football romance books and love them.

Anonymous said...

Have been rereading all the books by Janet Edwards and by Victoria Goddard. They aren't romances, but oh, they are excellent!

AlwaysV said...

Shadow Wizard: A Dark Fantasy Romance (Renegades of Magic Book 1) By Jeffe Kennedy It's the 2nd arc following Gabriel & Nic's Bonds of Magic series!

I'm so blown away and mesmerized by Wizard Jadren's uncatalogued magic! Familiar Seliah now has full control of the heart stopping magic of moon & water of House Phel! Yes! This book is Dark!!! Dying to read Book 2: Rogue Familiar ~ 2/23/23!

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