Friday, May 21, 2021

Friday Book Club

 Time to talk books! What are you reading and loving this week?


library addict said...

Enjoyed Lindsay Buroker's Forged in Blood: Part 1 (The Emperor's Edge #6) and Forged in Blood: Part 2 (The Emperor's Edge #7). Also enjoyed Solstice Day Gifts (The Emperor's Edge #7.5). That wrapped up one of the major story arcs.

After what ended up being a multi-week break I've started back on my complete Psy/Changeling series reread. Currently on Silver Silence which is one of my favorites. #TeamStarlightAndHerTeddyBear

Eva said...

I had a bit more time for reading, so I recommend you:
Mave Fortune by Elizabeth Dear
This Love Killes Me by A. B. Whelan
Hissy Fit by Lani Lynn Vale
Queen of Sins (#12) by Stephanie Hudson.

Anonymous said...

I am also rereading the Psy/Changling series (am up to "Bonds of Justice") but have paused it to return to my reread of Christine Feehan's Shadow partway through "Shadow Flight" now and am ready for "Shadow Storm" which drops in 3 days. Then, it will be back to get ready for "Last Guard" in July!!

AlwaysV said...

Thief of Souls by Bec McMaster was so fantastically amazing for an emotional reader like me. I was yelling at the heroine, Zemira, for not kicking ass enough, didn't realize she had no knowledge or training on the gift/power she inherited from her mother.

Then I was melting and practically blown away by Keir, the Dragon Prince, who kept almost all of his magic hidden. It was also filled with intriguing mystery to solve. As for the the sensual scenes, if you're interested, were like ~ volcanic eruption! In short, such a magical beyond words read! Looking forward to an Epic Conclusion Thief of Hearts in 2022💖

Anonymous said...

I am also re-reading Feehan's Shadow series, currently in the middle of the third book and eagerly awaiting "Shadow Storm"

Kim said...

Finished Wild Sign by Patricia Briggs! WOW! It's as dense and complicated (in the best way) as David Weber's Uncompromising Honor! I didn't have to go back and keep rereading bits the way I did with with Weber's, but I am going to have to start from the beginning again and probably read it 2-3 times total before really grasping it all, I think! So much backstory!! Can't wait until the next one (probably in the Mercedes Thompson series though) to find out Sherwood Post's name! And anything else he's remembered now. So many interesting directions for that world to go now!

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