Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Rebel Hard

Alt text: Rebel Hard out now. Featuring: The Construction Workers' Book Club. Book of the Month: Pride & Prejudice. Current review submitted by Gazza: "If I was as much of a *#%@ as Mr. Darcy, I'd never get laid."


Anonymous said...

I just recently re-read this book. One of my favorites that I read when I need a happy fun story.

Patricia Schlorke said...

Hmmm.. the construction workers book club. Yummy! I loved their comments about Mr. Darcy. 😂

library addict said...

One of my favorites as well.

I know it's now a game, but I think it would make a fun movie.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Library Addict and add this series on Netflix would be awesome.

Patricia Schlorke said...

Just a thought for a possible short for the newsletter: maybe to hear from the Construction Workers Book Club about any other books they're reading. ��

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