Friday, April 02, 2021

Friday Book Club

 Friday Book Club time! What reads are you loving this week?


Anonymous said...

Sadly, I read a few duds this week which I won't mention.

My favorite new-to-me story was Wildcat Blues: Part 3 from the newsletter. I loved Zara & Tanner and hope we do get to see them again.

I'm about halfway through Shield of Winter in my complete series reread.

AlwaysV said...

Finally ~ I got The Queen's Weapons by Anne Bishop from the library! OMG! Loved Loved Loved how Daemon & Jaenelle/Witch/The Queen would have a new chance to be together again & forever this time around! Though he'd have to wait a couple centuries before he could die so he could be with her. But I'm now at peace! I'd been so worried that I'd have disliked everyone/everything in this book! Super happy that I was so wrong! There were many heart- breaking twists ~ but I was okay ~ couldn't be too sad when Daemon & his Queen were happy & content.

Anonymous said...

I read Terminal List by John Carr ! Am currently re-reading Play of Passion - Indy and Drew's story ...

Am waiting for more news on Archangel's light. It will be Aodhan's story or not ? Since it is based in China ! :)

Barbara E. said...

I'm rereading R.K. Lander The Silvan Series. Book 5 releases 4/9/21.
This is an epic fantasy series. The writing is beautiful & the story is amazing. These books tug at all your emotions. Aside from the the main story arc it deals with family, the one you're born to & the one you choose, racism & inequality, honor & loyalty.

library addict said...

Oops the first post above (Wildcat Blues: Part 3) was me.

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