Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Festival du Roman Féminin


A shoutout today to the Festival du Roman Feminin, a French book festival that celebrates all things romance! I was lucky enough to attend this in person a few years back, and loved it. This year, they have gone digital and all the sessions are free to watch!! 

I had a really fun panel with Maria Vale and Amanda Bouchet, but there are tons more. (The panels featuring English-speakers are in English, with French subtitles.) If you click here, it'll take you to their whole festival program. Click the link beside any of the panels and you'll be able to watch it. Hope you enjoy! 💖


library addict said...


I am loving all of the virtual events as we can "attend" from home.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you Nalini ! I read Amanda Bouchet too. Need to check out the other author !

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