Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Question Time

If you suddenly had the ability to teleport, where would you go first?



Unknown said...

If I had a tub Port capabilities I want to go to Europe and see different things in Europe

Shira said...

I'll go to Denver-Boulder area where I spent my high school to college years and visit my host family. I can even take my senior dog with me that way!

Kim said...

Arizona, and maybe Syracuse, NY to visit friends I haven't seen in ages.

Patricia Schlorke said...

New Zealand. That way I can see the beautiful scenery and maybe go to an All Blacks game. 😎

library addict said...

On a tour of New Zealand and Australia.

Anonymous said...

Nalini´s Office for a sneak peek into the next Trinity book…. ;-)

Unknown said...

Go into the office and see the next archangel. Book.

Zoe Z said...
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Anonymous said...

Probably Alaska. I want to see an aurora!

Anonymous said...

To somewhere Nalini was making a personal appearance so I could see and hear my favorite author. Although my first thought was that if I could teleport I would be in the Psy/Changeling world and I would go to the Dark River office and try to meet some of my favorite characters.


Unknown said...

I would go to New Zealand and Australia because you have done such a great job describing the landscape. Flights are super long from the States so if I could skip it, fantastic!

Unknown said...

A mountain top with all my favourite authors and the time to ask them all a thousand questions

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