Friday, February 28, 2020

Friday Book Club

Time to talk books! What are you reading and loving this week?


Patricia Schlorke said...

For whatever reason, I am re-reading parts of the In Death series by JD Robb. Right now, I'm reading/skimming through Secrets in Death. I had thought about reading Naked in Death, which is the first book that started it all. However, it's weird to read about Eve before Roarke and real coffee, and Mavis before Leonardo and Belle.

Kim said...

I found a used copy of "La Femme Nikita Xposed: the unauthorized biography of Peta Wilson and her onscreen character" yesterday. The "Idiot's Guide to Section One" section is Hilarious!!!

Kelticat said...

Fired Up by Jayne Ann Krentz and How to Love Your Elf by Kerrelyn Sparks.

Kathryn T said...

Hope and Other Punchlines by Julie Buxbaum, about some teens 15 years after 9/11 and the effect on them.

library addict said...

Didn't have much luck with the new-to-me reads this week.

On a cheerier note, I'm up to Blaze of Memory in my annual Psy/Changeling series reread (published order). Love Katya & Devraj.

Only 11 more days until Love Hard... and 102 until Alpha Night. I guess I didn't win the Instagram giveaway *sob*

S-R-B said...

I read Magical Midlife Madness by K.F. Breene - a paranormal women's fiction (which I think is awesome since I'm almost 39 and the main character is 40 so there's some awesome parallels). It was really good and I plan to look at some of the other books in this new-to-me genre. :)

Claire said...

I just finished "A heart of blood and ashes" by Milla Vane aka Meljean Brook... highly recommended, very good bood dark fantasy romance.
I can't wait to read the 2nd book in the serie, "A touch of stone and snow" scheduled this sommer.

Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying re-reading the Ghost Walker series by Feehan while waiting for Lethal Game from the library. I don't buy until the paperback comes out with the exception of the Psy/Changeling series. I don't have room for that many hardbacks. (grin) I'm currently starting Viper Game. I've enjoyed running across mention of characters who showed up later in other books but I hadn't remembered when they were first mentioned.

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