Friday, February 24, 2017

Friday Book Club

Friday Book Club time! What reads are you loving this week?


library addict said...

I read the first 3 books in Addison Fox's Dangerous in Dallas series (Silken Threats, Tempting Target and The Professional). So far book one was my favorite.

After reading the chapter one excerpt of Silver Silence a gazillion times, I finally gave in and have started my annual complete series reread a few weeks earlier than I'd planned.

I am up to Visions of Heat. This is the first time I am doing a reread in chronological rather than published order and it certainly gives a different perspective on things. :)

I may have gone just a little overboard as I broke up the scenes in the Dorian novella — and even a few of the prologues/epilogues — to go between books where they are actually set, timeline-wise. I also made a list of where the various deleted scenes go within the books and some of the slice-of-life stories to be read where they fall in order as well. (For example I plan on reading Wild Night during Kiss of Snow and Making Dinner during Secrets at Midnight, etc.).

Okay, so I went a lot overboard. There's a color-coded chart involved - LOL. I need to slow down or I will definitely be done with the reread too soon. 110 days feels like such a long wait until #TeamStarlightandHerTeddyBear!

ladyreadsalot66 said...

I think you need to share this colour chart with fellow impatient people! Also glad to know I am not the only person who does a complete series reread before a new book comes out!!
I have been delving into MelJean Brook's Iron Seas series again. Like library addict I am reading in chronological order. The Kraken King has been in my TBR pile (can you have a pile if they are ebooks?? lol) for awhile so I decided to restart. Still good for the umpteenth reread.

library addict said...


Okay. I couldn't figure out how to share it using Dropbox without giving access to all of my pictures (I'm sure there's a way, but Google was not my friend).

So I have joined Instagram chronological reread order .

It looks really small sadly. But if you download it it's a bit bigger. It's actually a two-and-a-half page Word document for me broken up into weeks, but I took out the "Week of..." info and spacing out so it would fit on one screen to do a screencapture. Though they shrank the size when I uploaded it.

Ooh, I just did Ctrl+ to zoom in on my screen and that makes the itty bitty text big enough to be legible. Hope it makes sense.

Anonymous said...

library addict, thank you very much for your chart. It is much appreciated. :-)

kelticat said...

Liked Shifter King by Heather Killough-Walden. His hobby seems to be people watching.
Working on a reread of certain favorite psy-changeling books. Specifically Riley, Drew, and Hawke.

Wrayth said...

ermm... read all the Lindsay Chamberlain (archaeologist) mystery books by Beverly Connors, and also her Diane Fallon series (forensic anthropologist/museum director). Quite liked these although finishing some at 2am left me in the dark going "that was a bad idea, goodbye restful sleep" XD

Then wanted more in the same vein and read the 4 David Hunter series by Simon Beckett.

No idea what to read next, am sort-of reading Archangel's Legion in bits with Dead Heat by Patricia Briggs (her husband died? O_O how/when what happened?!?)

Reading a few crochet books, haven't crocheted in a while, and am not looking forward to giving up sugar for Lent (Me & mom going to try it, not a religious thing) and I figure going back to crochet might help :D

Anonymous said...

I read the entire Edge series by Ilona Andrews.

Patricia S

ladyreadsalot66 said...

Thank you library addict. This is amazing!!

library addict said...

I've updated the
chronological reread list
to adjust for better placement of the deleted scenes in Shield of Winter.

List is of course based off the one on Nalini's website.

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