Tuesday, March 15, 2016


I'm currently working on the next draft of Archangel's Heart - all systems are go!

What are you up to?


library addict said...

Rereading the Psy/Changeling series.

And I suppose I should get to figuring out my taxes soon. They should be fairly simple this year, but I've been procrastinating.

Anonymous said...

Moving and trying to re-read Heart of Obsidian at the same time. Moving is winning over reading right now.

Patricia S

Nemo said...

I should start learning the latin :(

Nemo said...

I should start learning the latin :(

Anonymous said...

My first visit to the oncologist. Wishing I was able to heal like those in your books. I have a feeling they will keep me company thru what is coming. Thank you for your wonderful talent! Ange

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know when Archangel's Heart is due out?

Anonymous said...

I am learning for my examens and waiting for the release of "Archangel's Enigma" in Germany!
And I also hope for more news of " Archangel's Heart".;)

Anonymous said...

This series is one of the best. I am always rereading them and staying up to read the new ones when published. Any teasers yet?

Aja said...

Doing History readings at uni... Much rather be kicking back with a cup of tea and a good book!

Anonymous said...

Settling in with new little kitten

namita11 said...

Learning for medicine exams with coffe infushions

Anonymous said...

Yea....keep writing ... Nalini!!!

Anonymous said...

just re-read rock redemption, and i re-read branded by fire (i don't even know how many times i've re-read that one) before that! can't wait for the new stuff ahhhh

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