Monday, March 28, 2016

Good News

Some super awesome news to share! SHARDS OF HOPE, ARCHANGEL'S ENIGMA, ROCK HARD, and ROCK REDEMPTION, all won or had honorable mentions in the AAR poll. Thank you to everyone who voted! Your support means so much to me! ~ xo - Nalini


library addict said...

Yay! Congrats.

Happy to see that Charlotte, Aden and Zaira, and Noah all "won" as well.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Nalini. You practically swept up all the awards!


Always V said...

Congrats!!! Wow! I have no words right now!

Anonymous said...

Yay for Noah,Charlotte, Aden and zaira..

Nemo said...

Wow! Amazing news! Congratulations!

Nemo said...

Wow! Amazing news! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Woo-hoo! Congratulations!

Patricia S

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Congratulations! You earned it!

Every book of yours was so great and I guess you are really happy now when your work is cherished like that.

And of course I am also happy about this because I know that my obsession to your books is not unfounded!;)

Celebrate this and relax a little bit!

Sherri L. said...

Congratulations Nalini! We all knew your books are awesome this just proves it ;)

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