Sunday, October 04, 2015

Rock Redemption Cover Shoot: Behind The Scenes

Um...guess my favorite shot... ;-)


Maree Anderson said...

ZOMG, I LOVE this. You have the toughest job ever... Not ;)

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha .... lovely way to spend the day .... tough job !!! :)

Always V said...

OMG! AUTHOR'S PERKS!!! *deepest sighs*
Wishing I could be a famous author like YOU. . .

library addict said...

LOL. Looks like you had a grand time.

Only two more days!

elodie said...

Tough job hmm ? ;)


Anonymous said...

"Tough job" but someone has to do it. Loved the behind the scences. Thanks Nalini. One more day! Wooohoo!

Patricia S

Sherri L. said...

Looks like someone had fun lol. Thanks for sharing this nalini.

Jazz Toa said...

Loved it !! <3

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