Tuesday, October 06, 2015

#1 in New Zealand and Australia

So I just checked my emails after being offline for a couple of hours (writing) and found this! ROCK REDEMPTION is currently #1 on iBooks Australia and iBooks New Zealand!!


ladyreadsalot66 said...

Woo Hoo !!! Congratulations!! It is well deserved.

I still have to wait 2 more hours til it is Oct 6th where I am. Actually more because I will not start it until tomorrow morning.

I can't wait!!

library addict said...


I've got an hour to go before I can buy it. May wait until I get some sleep though since I'll be tempted to stay up reading and I have a bunch of MUST DO stuff on the agenda for tomorrow.

Excited that the wait is nearly over.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I have my copy downloaded and ready to read. Don'the have a lot of work today so it'should Noah and Kit time. :)

Anonymous said...

I don't know what happened to my post above (gremlins in my tablet?) but what I was trying to say is it's Noah and Kit day. Also, congratulations!

I am listening to music while reading Rock Redemption. The song I'm listening to is Bleeding Out by Imagine Dragons. This song is so Noah and Kit. Another song I just listened to is I Bet My Life by the same group. That song reminds me of Abe and Sarah.

Patricia S

Sherri L. said...

Congratulations Nalini! I preordered mine so enjoying it now.

Always V said...

Congrats! I've rated the book 5 stars! Just from Ch 1 & 2 :D Plus from the 5 special excerpts.
Now I'm reading the entire story, just to confirm that my rating is right on :D

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