Thursday, May 07, 2015

Psy-Changeling Quotes

Okay, I need your help. You all know I had some Guild Hunter mugs made up for giveaways. At this point, they've gone everywhere from the USA, to other parts of New Zealand, to South Africa! Anyway, I was thinking I should get some Psy-Changeling mugs made up too, to celebrate the release of SHARDS OF HOPE.

This is where you come in. As you can see from this picture of the Guild Hunter mug, there are quotes all around it from the books. I want you to nominate your favorite Psy-Changeling quotes for the Psy-Changeling mug, to ensure we choose quotes you love. It works best if they're one or two lines long, as otherwise, it's harder to fit them in.

So hit me with your favorite quotes!!!


library addict said...

from Heart of Obsidian:
“You matter to me.”
So simple. So honest. So powerful.

From Kiss of Snow:
“I need you,” he said to her, this woman who’d fought for her own right to live her life free of limits, “to build me some remote detonation devices.”
Amazing brown eyes shot with blue peering into his as she pressed her nose to his. “You always say the most romantic things.”

from Tangle of Need:
“God hates me,” she heard him mutter. “Now there are two of them.”
Neither she nor Indigo said anything until he was out of earshot. Then Indigo’s lips twitched. “Poor baby.”

from Heart of Obsidian:
It is time to step out of the dark

from Shield of Winter:
“I know two men who were once as remote as your Arrow.”
“Judd Lauren,” she guessed, not bothering to protest Sascha’s description of Vasic. He was Ivy’s Arrow. She’d claimed him. “And?”
“Kaleb Krychek.”

Trying to select ones that aren't too spoilery.

Lidy said...

Hey, Nalini! I must think about the quotes, but the "I heart Judd" would be awesome. And self-explanative. :D

I like a few (okay, all of them) of the epigraphs opening Bonds of Justice's chapters:

"One thing I've learned after so many years on the job—no one is simple, no one is one-dimensional. And still, people surprise me."

"To my Cop—I never imagined you could exist, that you would exist, for someone like me. I never imagined that you'd look at me the way you do. I never imagined how hard it would be to say good-bye."

"You make me feel strong, make me feel as if I can fight fate itself. If you're reading this letter, I failed. But be proud of me Max—I tried so hard."

"Take care of my heart won't you, Sophie? It's a little odd having it outside my body—but I'm planning to steal yours to make up for it."

"Dream of me."

And Hawke's commitment:

"Except I never had a prayer when it came to you. You're in my every breath and every thought, intertwined so deep inside me that love's not a strong enough word—you have my devotion, your name branded on my soul, my wolf yours to command. A hundred years? It'll never be enough. I want eternity."

A long one:
Riley raised his beer in a cheer. "To redheads."
Hawke clinked his bottle to Riley's, both of them seated on the steps of Hawke and Sienna's private cabin. While the place was meant to be off-limits to the rest of the pack, they'd realized they enjoyed inviting friends over at times.
"Wait," Hawke said, before taking a sip. "Which redhead are we saluting? My redhead, Mercy, Faith, or your future spawn?"
"All of them." Riley spread his arms expansively. "And I'll thank you to call my spawn pups or cubs, or pupcubs."
"Pupcubs." Hawke mused. "I like it."

Anonymous said...

From Tangle of Need:
“Hey, Sienna,” Mercy called out, and when the young woman turned to look over her shoulder, said, “You know the whole ‘let me show you a beautiful spot’ line? It’s the changeling version of ‘let me show you my etchings.’”

From Shield of Winter:
A roll of his eyes. “It’s cold at midnight,” Rain said with exaggerated patience. “If I planned to dance naked in winter, I’d do it at noon.”

“I’m used to working with plans, with blueprints,” he said, “but observation of the other races tells me life doesn’t come with a blueprint.” The Psy had attempted to change that, create rules, but all that had done was buy them a little time before the inevitable crash. “We have to make the plan ourselves.”

And I second this quote from Kiss of Snow:
“I need you,” he said to her, this woman who’d fought for her own right to live her life free of limits, “to build me some remote detonation devices.”
Amazing brown eyes shot with blue peering into his as she pressed her nose to his. “You always say the most romantic things.”

Em said...

"Ah, baby, I'm sorry" From Kiss of Snow. Also in Rock Hard.

Anonymous said...

It has to be "Sascha darling!" :-)

Anonymous said...

'You can't have a baby cat alpha as a friend'

'My uncle would never be so common to kiss a woman in a dark corner'
'No, must be someone tall, blond, and silent who looks exactly like him. '

'Ahem', she said, lips curving at the memory. 'At least find a dark corner. '

'Am I being psynapped?'

Unknown said...

Not a quote, but still a favourite of mine, from Hostage to Pleasure

Things to do ...... people to kill
-Front and back of Dorian Christensen's favorite T-shirt (gift from Talin McKade)

Anonymous said...

From Tangle of Need---Sienna and Evie are talking. Sienna "I'm Psy. I don't eat snacks."

From Heart of Obsidian---Kaleb and Sahara. Sahara "So we literally made the earth move?" Kaleb "I suggest we don't have sex in populated areas."

I also like Dorian's T-shirt quote "Things to do...people to kill."

From Tangle of Need---Lucas and Hawke are talking about meeting to discuss inter-pack relationships. Hawke "Anything for Sascha darling. Lucas "That doesn't work now that you're mated." Hawke "Damn."

Patricia S

Joanita said...

From Heart of Obsidian:
He would do things for her he’d do for no one else, but while he’d empty the sky for her so she could spread her wings, fly, he would not set her free.

From Heart of Obsidian:
“I can feel you deep inside, a midnight star so impossibly strong and loving and mine.” Her voice trembled. “I’m so glad you’re mine. I won’t ever let you go.”
This time, it was Kaleb who said, “I know,” devastated at being so wanted. “You are just a little possessive.”

From Kiss of Snow:
"You’re in my every breath and every thought, intertwined so deep inside me that love’s not a strong enough word—you have my devotion, your name branded on my soul, my wolf yours to command. A hundred years? It’ll never be enough. I want eternity.”

From Caressed by Ice:
“God, you’re sexy when you talk Psy.”

azteclady said...

I am at work and can't check the books, but Wayne stole the one I was going to suggest from memory--that one is absolutely priceless.

Always V said...

"Sahara! I'll come for you! Survive! Survive for me!"

Always V said...

"Judd is My Boyfriend"

From Tangle of Need

munchkin54 said...

From Texture of Intimacy

"We're stronger than memories, stronger than hurt." A luminous smile. "We're a mated pair, a family."

this just makes me smile every time.

elodie said...

Oh my! Seriously?
I'll be back. :))

Anonymous said...

I thought these were funny

"Lara's father showed me his tools - then we had an illuminating conversation about how easy it would be to cut a person in half using one of the lasers. It was very civilized."

"You appear healthy, but I'd have to dissect you to make an accurate judgment."

"I'll give you one thing. You know how to move... Kitty"

"Pay taste rubbery," Riley said straight-faced. "I know. I tried to chew off Judds arm once while we were hunting."

"This," Mercy said, her tone that of a wise teacher, "is celebratory drunkenness. Witnessed at times when men rejoice in their own prowess."

"If you were male, I'd simply throw you out with a few bruises. As you're not, I'm uncertain how to get rid of you."

elodie said...


*Branded by fire
-“My name, kitty. Say my name.”
-“Jesus, Riley, do you ever just react?”
“When necessary.”
-“And you didn’t turn into a puff of smoke and disappear. The world is full of disappointments.”
- “I came to tell you we have no ‘chemistry.’ Zero. Zip. Zilch. So go away.”
- “Riley?”[...]
“I ate some of your pie when Mom wasn’t looking.”
- “You trying to make me crazy?” “Everyone needs a hobby.”

*Play of passion
-“Snuggle closer to me.”
“I can‟t get any closer.”
- “I'd cut off my right arm to have a man look at me the way Drew looks at you.”
- “You had a plan?”
“Tell .”

*Tangle of need
-“Cat got your tongue?”[...]
“Go bite yourself”
-“God hates me,” she heard him mutter. “Now there are two of them.”
-No man was ever again going to drive her to question her own worth.
- “I made you purr.” A lazy yawn. “I’m faking it.”
-Queen of the Night. For my empress. Let’s plant it and see if she blooms for us.
- “Heart of my heart, that’s who you are, Adria Morgan. Chosen and forever.”
- “Heart of my heart … my Riaz. Chosen and forever.”

I know, i know. It's so hard to choose. :))

Scrapper said...

Bonds of Justice

“Have you managed to catch a rabbit yet?”
Lucas snickered. “What about trying for a turtle?”

“Nikita’s got a heart of fucking stone and I’m being cruel to the stone there.”

Anonymous said...

'pupcubs' and 'birbys'

Anonymous said...

Shield of Winter
-You are mine. Every breath, every scar, every perfection, every flaw, every light, every darkness. It's part of you, and it's mine.

-Even if my body goes, my soul will remain. It's a mess, but it's yours. It'll always be yours.

Secrets at Midnight
-If Mercy and Riley are having pubcubs, what will we have?
We'll have little birbys, that's what we'll have.

Anonymous said...

I don't have the books in front of me, so my wording may not be perfect, but two of my favorites (in addition to "you always say the most romantic things", which was already mentioned) are:

Mercy, mad at Lucas in Branded By Fire, says something to the effect of
"If you tell anyone, I'll"...what could she say to threaten an alpha? "I'll tell Hawke you want to go for daily bonding runs!"

And from Shards of Hope:
"What are you doing?"
"Teleporting us around the world."

library addict said...

So many good quotes.

I'm on my phone so can't copy/paste but I love the moment in Kiss of Snow when Walker gives Lara the paperweight back and says its fixed if she doesn't mind the scars. I'll try to look up the exact quote tomorrow.

Ange of Tampa said...

From Stroke of Enticement:She's a little wary but she likes me....

"I am planning to court you"

It’s fixed. As long as you don’t mind more than a few scars.” -

Have I told you how much I like my hobby? -

Jesus, you’re either fucking crazy or in love -

Why don’t you just go ahead and call him a stud?” -

Lege Artis said...

I would like to see (new) First Code of Arrows:
To be an Arrow is to protect our People."

Or from HoO:
"We are Psy and we are capable of greatness."

And of course, I would like a mug with paw print and these two words:
"Skin Privileges"

azteclady said...

Kiss of Snow have my devotion, your name branded on my soul, my wold yours to command. A hundred years? It'll never be enough. I want eternity.

library addict said...

Ange posted part, but here's the complete quote from Kiss of Snow:

He couldn’t say the words, had spent too long in Silence, but he’d learned other ways to speak. Taking the paperweight she’d knocked off her desk out of his pocket, he put it in her hands. “It’s fixed. As long as you don’t mind more than a few scars.”

I'm sure there are tons more we're forgetting. So many hidden gems!

library addict said...

From Bonds of Justice (but applies to more than one character):

We don’t choose our parents. And their mistakes aren’t our own. You are what you make yourself—don’t ever forget that.
—Max Shannon in reply to an e-mail from the sole survivor of the Castleton murder-suicide

Also from Bonds of Justice:

Not today. Are you certain, Nikita?
She didn’t ask him how he knew what she was going to do. There’s no use fighting the wave. Those who do will drown.
Some will say that you’re the one who’ll drown, smashed against a wall of Silence.
And you?

Kaleb looked down into the blackness of the gorge, but it was another darkness that he saw, the light blinking out in a woman’s eyes as she begged for mercy. I think it’s time.

From Tangle of Need:

“Perhaps.” No concern. “It’s time, Judd.”
Yes, the dominoes had begun to fall, unstoppable and inexorable. “Is the violence necessary?”
“Some things need to be broken to become stronger.”

Anonymous said...

From Bonded by Fire:
" Is that your pitch to wemon? Let's get neckid. No wonder your balls are blue". (Riley to Hawke)

Anonymous said...

kitten defurring tools seperates the girls from girlfriends

Anonymous said...

Play of passion:
 “I want my calm, collected lieutenant back by the end of the week, or I’m packing you in a box and shipping you to fucking Siberia.”
Andrew grinned. “I hear it’s nice there this time of year.” 

Play of passion:
"No self-respecting wolf would eat a rodent - though we might've been able to use your teeth as decorations," Andrew said with a straight face.
Teijan hissed out a very unratlike snarl. "Why the hell do I bother to talk to you?"
"Hawke thinks I give you cheese."

"If you were male, I'd simply throw you out with a few bruises. As you're not, I'm uncertain how to get rid of you." [I found this one reading the comments and I loved it, however i don't recall the corrispective book]

First Code of Arrows:
"To be an Arrow is to protect our People."

Hostage to Pleasure:
"Things to do ...... people to kill"
Front and back of Dorian Christensen's favorite T-shirt (gift from Talin McKade)

Tangle of Need:
"God hates me,” she heard him mutter. “Now there are two of them.”Neither she nor Indigo said anything until he was out of earshot. Then Indigo’s lips twitched. “Poor baby.”

Tangle of need:
"Maybe, just maybe, two broken people could manage to create something whole"

Slave to sensation:
"Logic and love don't necessarily coincide"

Vision of heat:
"I need to know I'm something good"
"You're everything good"

Mine to possess:
"I love you"
"Yep you do"
"You're supposed to say it back"
"Why? You know you're my heartbeat"

Play of passion:
"Enjoy the moment Indy. Enjoy what we are"

Kiss of snow:
"Pack is built on the bonds of family, of mating, of love. You come first. You always will."

Tangle of need:
"It's Adria's face I see when I think of home"

Play of passion: the part dedicated to Drew tath stole Indigo's phone and put as her ringtone he tath howls. (I'm sorry if I did any grammar mistakes but I'm not English and neither American and I'm writing with my tablet)

Angelica Hamilton said...

This is from Tangle of Need
One of my favorite quotes I think represents what the changelings are like is said byHawk in a meeting. " We protect, and when the dust settles, we help the Psy population find their feet."
This quote to me just represents the kind of people they are.

Anonymous said...

Hawke, just before the battle in KoS:
What do you say, boys and girls?

Eva said...

Oh my, there are so many. But since I love KoS, here are some of my favorites: have my devotion,your name brandet on my soul, my wolf yours to command. A hundred years? It`ll never be enough. I want eternity.

"Give him hell ... baby".

"Shoulder or feet?"
She swallowed. "Feet".

Sienna`s lips twitched. "My uncle would never be so common as to kiss a women in a dark korner."

"Didja really put Sinna in jail?"
Hawke bit the inside of his cheek. "Yep."

Susan said...

I can't remember the exact quote... It was from Judd and
Brenna's book.... She told him if he did something he would be in her bad book...and he said something like he thought ' I was out.'

library addict said...

@ Susan

“He tried. Damn it, Judd. Pull back!” Giving a frustrated cry when he didn’t reply, she stood on tiptoe and pressed a row of kisses along his jaw.
Soft. So unbearably soft. He’d never felt anything like it. “Now you’ve had ten times what he didn’t come close to getting.” Another kiss on his throat. “He matters nothing. So pull back or you’re going back in my bad book.”
“Was I out?” He broke the psychic thread that had kept him aware of Greg’s physical status and position.

Anonymous said...

Evie talking to Sienna about Hawke in KoS:
"Seriously, any women who takes him on is going to need brass balls. Big ones."
"Are you saying mine are too small?"

Marlee talking to Toby in KoS:
"Don't be sad, Toby. Hawke won't bite her very hard for running away."

Teijan says about Judd in KoS:
Judd "Freaking Scary" Lauren

"Nope. Our little China Doll likes knives." D'Arn had barely gotten the words out when a knife whistled incredibly close to his ear and thunked home in a tree. Instead of going on alert, D'Arn laughed and threw up his hands. "I was kidding, honey."

"So," Judd said, "What do lieutenants do?"
"A hell of a lot of work." Hawke's grin was a touch evil.
"Guess the holiday's over."

Anonymous said...

We are Psy and we are capable of greatness.
It is time we step out of the dark. Heart of Obsidian

"Will you remember me?"
His heart broke into a thousand pieces. "Always." Bond of Justice

Anonymous said...

Reading all these quotes is making me want to do a reread of the entire series!

Anonymous said...

I think it's from Tangle of Need, Zaira talking to Judd (and you know I'm going back to re-read every work about Zaira...):

"We are ready." We are Arrows.

library addict said...

A few more:

from Slave to Sensation:
He didn’t return the caresses, holding her so tightly she could barely breathe. “You almost killed yourself for no reason.”
“No, Lucas.” She squeezed him back. “I lived because of you. That’s how I’ll always remember it.”

From Beat of Temptation:

“Of course they’re for you.” It was more growl than anything close to human. “Do you think I go around giving other women flowers?”
Shaking her head, she looked up into the velvet blue of his eyes. “You think I’m an orchid kind of girl?”
“Hell yes.” He put them into her arms and wiped away the tear she hadn’t been aware of shedding. “Stop that.”
She sniffed, staring at those precious flowers. Orchids. Nathan had given her orchids. Rare and precious and beautiful…the kind of flowers a man gave to a girl who was all those things. “Thank you.”

From Stroke of Enticement:
“I have a feeling you will. It seems I made a critical error—in thinking about how you could lead her into danger, I forgot that predatory changelings are also known for their willingness to protect to the death.” Her eyes—Annie’s eyes—clashed with his. “But that’s not why I’ve decided for you.”
“It’s because of the way you look at her, Zach. As if she’s your sunshine.” Her voice caught. “I want that for my daughter. Don’t you ever stop looking at her that way.”

From Kiss of Snow:
“Sascha.” Lucas’s arm curled around her chest to hold her against his side, the tension in him communicating itself through the mating bond. “What did she say?”
“Nothing hurtful.” Turning, she rubbed her face against his chest as she watched Naya’s fragile body rise and fall in innocent sleep. “I’m a mother now, Lucas. I would do anything to keep Naya safe, even if it meant she would hate me for the rest of her life.” Swallowing, she touched a finger to their baby’s plump cheek. “It makes me wonder if that isn’t exactly what Nikita did.”

From Blaze of memory (maybe cut the middle paragraph?):
Aware she’d likely never tasted such a thing before, she took a cautious sip. Nothing came up. “The straw’s defective.”
Dev shot her a quick grin. It altered his face, turning him strikingly beautiful. But that wasn’t the odd part. The odd part was that seeing him smile made her heart change its rhythm. She lifted her hand a fraction, compelled to trace the curve of his lips, the crease in his cheek. Would he let her, she thought, this man who moved with the liquid grace of a soldier … or a beast of prey?
“Did I say milk shake?” he said, withheld laughter in his voice. “I meant ice cream smoothie—with enough fresh fruit blended into it to turn it solid.” Glancing at her when she didn’t move, he raised an eyebrow.

Anonymous said...

I cant believe no one has said this one from Hostage to Pleasure!

"Don't humans believe in a thing called the soul? Maybe that element comes hardwired. Maybe we were just born with different kinds of souls"

that quote speaks to me on a spiritual level I swear.

and of course "Skin privileges" hehe ;)

Anonymous said...

But they had stolen her from him, stolen the only being in the universe about whom he cared, and in doing so, they'd changed the course of the world. Heart of Obsidian

I'm sorry that I'm not the man you remember. Too many things happened while you were gone. Heart of Obsidian

Why do you need protecting?
Because I'm broken. And the Psy don't allow broken creatures to live.

azteclady said...

From Tangle of Need:

"You know the whole 'let me show you a beautiful spot' line? It's the changeling version of 'let me show you my etchings.'"

Anonymous said...

This is from slave of sensation. This is during one of Sascha dreams
Sascha : I wish you'd love me.
Lucas: Why?
Sascha: Because then maybe you could protect me,too.
Lucas: Why do you need protecting?
Sascha: because I'm broken, and the psy don't allow broken creatures to live.

Unknown said...

Some of my favourites that I can remember!

Between Kirby & Mercy
'What's for dinner?'
'Kitten cutlets. Want one?'

Brennan to Drew re Indigo's phone
'Did you really steal her phone & record yourself howling her name as a ringtone?'

Ben to Hawke
'Didja really put Sinna in jail'

Teijan on Judd
'Judd 'freaking scary' Lauren'

Things to do ........ People to kill!

'God hates me' she heard him say 'Now there are two of them'

'Psy taste rubbery' Riley said straight faced. 'I know. I tried to chew off Judd's arm once while we were hunting'

'I need you' he said to her, this woman who'd fought for her own right to live her life free of limits 'to build me some remote detonation devices'. Amazing brown eyes shot with blue peering into his as she pressed her nose to his 'You always say the most romantic things'

Skin privileges
Sasha darling!

Heather Greye said...

"I'd line the streets with bodies before I'd ever hurt you.” ― Kaleb, Heart of Obsidian.

Anonymous said...

If it isn't too late, I'd like to add from Whisper of Sin:

Emmett's line
"Just letting the others know you belong to me"

And the conversation between Ria and Emmett:
"You got shot by accident?" She asked as if it was his fault.
"I got shot by morons."

I also love the conversations between Ria and her Grandmother, but they are too long for a mug.


S.M.G said...

Sorry a little late in joining...

It would be awesome to have a heat sensitive mug. A black mug and when hot liquid is poured into it, a message in white lettering against the black mug will say...

"We are not cowards to hide from the powers that define is. We are Psy and we are capable of greatness. It is time to step out of the dark" -Kaleb Krychek, Heart of Obsidian

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