Tuesday, May 12, 2015

May Newsletter

A reminder that this month's newsletter will go out in approximately fifteen hours, complete with a second full chapter of Shards of Hope. Subscribe link.

Previous newsletters have included free shorts and deleted scenes from all three of my series: Psy-Changeling, Guild Hunter, & Rock Kiss. If you'd like to access these newsletter-exclusives, subscribe, click the confirm link sent to your email, and you'll get the Welcome newsletter, which has all the info on how to read the previous shorts/scenes. :-)


library addict said...

Yay! More words to appease the looooong wait until June 2nd.

Looking forward to it.

Anonymous said...

Happy, happy, happy...can't wait to read the second chapter of Shards of Hope. (It's three weeks until Shards of Hope comes out or if anyone prefers to count in days...21 to go.)

Patricia S

azteclady said...

I wish, like you wouldn't believe, that I could get in the car and drive up to Maryland for the Turn The Page signing.

Shards of Hope: *happy sigh*

library addict said...

I would love to go to the TTP signing as well. I hope you are getting to stay at the Inn, Nalini. It's quite lovely. I stayed in the Elizabeth & Darcy room then switched to Eve & Roarke room. So fun! I would love to go again.

Loved the second excerpt. Loved learning Aden's parent names finally. Will continue to wait (im)patiently for the whole book. I have it pre-ordered.

Only 21 more days. So excited!

Susan said...

I am so excited about this book. The only other book that I am as excited about is Archangel's Enigma. The chapter is fantastic. My only question is about the cover that was with the chapte. It is clear that Aden is of Asian ancestry and I was wondering why the cover is a white man?

Anonymous said...

Read chapter 2 of Shards of Hope. Can't wait to read the rest of the book.

I agree with you, Nalini, about Demons by Imagine Dragons for Noah's song. I also listened to two other songs, Bleeding Out and Warriors (this is a single) by Imagine Dragons. Bleeding Out fits David and Warriors fits all the Psy-Changling and Guild Hunter books.

I wish I could go to the book signing too, but I have to work. :(

Patricia S

Nalini Singh said...

@Susan Unfortunately, unlike the US covers, I don't get consulted on the International covers, which is why pretty much why none of the covers look like the characters.

I call them my Gallery of Random Dudes covers and regularly beat my head against my desk over it.

In the good news department, both the US cover and the German cover more accurately reflect Aden. The US cover is actually a direct scene from the book (it's perfect!!).

And here's the German cover if you missed it: http://nalinisingh.blogspot.co.nz/2014/11/cover-love-scherben-der-hoffnung.html

Anonymous said...

Thank you. It was wonderful to receive a full second chapter to read in advance of release. I can't wait!

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