Saturday, May 23, 2015

Friday Book Club

The Friday Book Club is now open! What are you reading and loving this week?

p.s. If you're wondering why it says this was posted on Sat, it's because I live in New Zealand and we exist in the future . ;-)


elodie said...

Dark heir by F. Hunter

Anonymous said...

I'm re-reading the Psy/Changeling series to keep myself from going goofy in the next two weeks for Aden's story.

Love the little p.s. on the post.

Patricia S

Anonymous said...

I finished my own Psy-Changeling re-read with Shield of Winter this week! Now moving on to read through Ilona Andrews' Kate Daniels series.

Sarah M.

library addict said...

Read Running Blind by Cindy Gerard (One-Eyes Jacks #3) and Viper Game by Christine Feehan (GhostWalkers #11).

Only 11 days to go until Shards of Hope :)

Asia said...

I was rereading your books too. Now I am trying Bennett Sondrae also I reading in my mother language Dorota Terakowska

Aja said...

Just finished End of Days by Susan Ee. Also reading Wool by Hugh Howey, A World Just Right by Jen Brooks and The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell. All of which is to stave off impending madness as the countdown for We-All-Know-What ticks down....

PS Yay for NZers! Proud Kiwi right here.

Anonymous said...

Poison by adrienne woods

From the western island ;-)

Ms. Kris said...

Just finished rereading the sons of destiny books by Jean Johnson and I am going to start rereading the psy-changeling books in anticipation. ..

Ms. Kris said...

Just finished rereading the sons of destiny books by Jean Johnson and I am going to start rereading the psy-changeling books in anticipation. ..

Lege Artis said...

I read Truly by Ruthie Knox and it was great (Sanja, you were right! )- It's set in New York and very atmospheric. Hero is a grumpy beekeeper/chef (how cool is that?) and heroine is easy to relate to. I liked it a lot. ;)
I also read Uprooted by Naomi Novik. This is fantasy romance and it's retelling of old polish folk tale. It has very effective opening sentence:
"Our Dragon doesn’t eat the girls he takes, no matter what stories they tell outside our valley." :) Although it was in the background, I really liked romance between characters...
Currently reading Beyond Innocence by Kit Rocha.

Eva said...

Just finished the Hot Damned Series (1-4) by Robyn Peterman.
- God, I laughed a lot during reading! If you want to try: Book 1 is free for the Kindle at the moment.

Em said...

The whole series of Highland Guards by Monica Mccarty.

CizinkaNaZemi said...

Just read Rachel Bach's Paradox series - great heroine and serious suspense, not to mention strong world-building. Also loving Meljean Brook's Iron Seas trilogy - especially the epilogue novellas. And then I almost never reread a book - but I find myself dipping back into the Rock Kiss series over - so I can slow down and savor this time.

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