Friday, May 01, 2015

Friday Book Club

The Friday Book Club is now open! What are you reading and loving this week?


library addict said...

I've read nothing new this week.

Rereads this week included two of my absolute favorite books in the series (Texture of Intimacy and Heart of Obsidian) I've now reread through Declaration of Courtship: Bonus Epilogue. I always reread in the "publish" order rather than straight chronological order. The only exception is I do read the deleted scenes just after the applicable book as opposed to when the were posted to the website.

Just started my reread of Shield of Winter. So will be done with my complete series reread too soon.

On the plus side only 32 days until Shards of Hope. And since it's May we can say next month and mean it :)

Anonymous said...

Just finished Kevin Hearne's the Iron Druid Chronicles. Awesome books can't wait til the next one. Awaiting impatiently for Shards of Hope as well!

Anonymous said...

Just finished reading the Tamir Triad series by Lynn Flewelling. I highly recommend this series. The main characters has to deal with so many issues growing up and the author pulls no punches.

Em said...

These old shades by Georgette Heyer

Eva said...

Her Vampire Husband by Michelle Hauf.

Barb said...

Visions by Kelley Armstrong. I listened to the first book while out of town recently and wanted to the sequel.

Anonymous said...

Waiting for Midnight's Kiss by Thea Harrison that comes out tomrrow (May 5).

Otherwise, re-reading the Harmony/Rainshadow series by Jayne Castle. Love those dust bunnies. :)

Patricia S

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