Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Working on ARCHANGEL'S ENIGMA. Naasir and Venom are hanging out. ;-)

What are you up to?


Anonymous said...

Wishing I was hanging out with Naasir, too! =D

He completely stole the show in the last book (as cats always do), can't wait to read his story.

Always V said...

Dreaming of 'n yearning for ♡ Naasir ♡
Dying to see Andromeda's first impression of him ♡

Lege Artis said...

Of course they are, those beautiful, strange weirdos...:P

I am super excited about AE, if the same formula is followed , then I guess we'll have Naasir's pov and I have a feeling it's going to be something special. ;)

library addict said...

Impatient for the series finale of The Mentalist tomorrow night, but sad it will soon be over. Love that the entire seventh season has exlored the lead characters finally getting together and the ups and downs of their navigating their new romance. TV done right.

Unknown said...

Unfortunately I am not hanging out with Naasir or Venom :(

Anonymous said...

I'm excited to hear about this ;)

Eva said...

...Maybe a tiny titbit of these two?...

Ruth Laforge said...

Love your Phy/Changling series not impressed with the angels series so I was delighted to see you had 3 more out since I last checked and am rereading the rest of the series. I'd be interested in a story about Adam Garret of the Falcons as an extention of the series as a mini or full novel.

Unknown said...

Ruth, that's practically sacrilege ;) I get it though, I initially wasn't interested in the Guild Hunter series either, until I was just desperate for something new and these were made available. At first I was just slogging through, but eventually I got sucked in, and now I like them every bit as much as the Psy-Changeling series.

Anonymous said...

Ruth and Erin...I understand what you two are saying. I didn't get into the Guild Hunter's series until Archangel's Consort since I wanted something to read. Now... there are some I read more than others, but I really, really like the series.

As to hanging out...unfortunately not with Naasir and Venom or any of the others. Work is the main thing right now. :)

Patricia S

Anonymous said...

I'm the same - adore adore adore psy/changeling, amazing characters, world building, plot, story arc, romance. I count days til the next installment, can't wait to explore the falcons and water changelings. Totally don't get the guild hunters though. Read first two books then gave up.

Anonymous said...

Oh God, I miss Venom so much !!! I'm so glad right now !!! Thank you !!

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited! I have so enjoyed getting to know all of these characters throughout the series, and I adore them, feathers, fangs and all. Love the anticipation to find out more about Naasir! Thank you!!!

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