Thursday, February 26, 2015

Laura Florand - Once Upon A Rose

Laura Florand can't write fast enough for me. Every time I finish one of her books, I'm over at her website looking for the next release, and saying, what do you meant I have to wait?!

I absolutely loved, loved, loved Once Upon A Rose. The heroine is sweet with a teasing sense of humor, while the hero is, as the heroine puts it, a bit of a "growly bear." Only this big, tough bear's heart is huge enough to hold an entire valley and tender enough that the heroine can make him blush.

This book left me with a big grin and the happy good-book sigh. If you haven't read any of Laura's books, you have such a treat ahead of you! Here's a link to her website if you'd like to explore.

And if you go to Amazon and click the cover of Once Upon A Rose, you can read a long excerpt (the adorable and funny first meeting between the hero and heroine) without having to download. Plus, Laura also has a bonus shorter excerpt up on her site. Enjoy!


shayera said...

Funnily enough, this is the same exact thing I do when I read your books.
This is a really adorable book. It's just fun.

Lege Artis said...

I read this as soon as it came out because I read two magic words in one prerelease review:
'blushing hero'. :)

Great pick, I join the recommendation.

Jenette said...

Thanks for the wonderful book rec! It's just exactly what I needed. I read the sample online yesterday, bought the book and was up till 6.00 am reading it. Can't remember the last time I laughed so much while reading! I'm counting down the days for the next one

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the book recommendation. I bought the book and read the last chapter (I do that if it's an author I've never read before). Now, I'll read the rest of the book. Why do I get the feeling the hero of "Once Upon a Rose" reminds me of Gabriel (aka T-Rex) in Rock Hard? Could be because of the growl (or in T-Rex's case the roar).

Patricia S

LynnL said...

I adore all of Laura's books!

Nalini Singh said...

Yay, great to find some fellow Laura fans!

Jenette - if you haven't tried her Chocolate books, I think you'll love those too. I started with The Chocolate Rose. It's technically not book 1, but it stands alone and links in with the Rose series, so it's a good way to dip your toes in.

Patricia S - they are both a bit growly ;-)

Donna said...

Just Got Once Upon A Rose
so looking forward to the weekend

Anonymous said...

I love her books and just ordered it. Thanks for the post:)

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