Friday, February 13, 2015

Friday Book Club

The Friday Book Club is now open! What are you reading and loving this week?


library addict said...

I didn't have a lot of reading time this week due to real life.

Enjoyed JD Robb's Obsession in Death.

Had a totally unplanned reread of Rock Addiction. I enjoyed the book even more the second time around. It cemented my theory about Abe. Hope to reread Rock Courtship this week in anticpation of Rock Hard.

Anonymous said...

Read JD Robb's Obsession in Death and as usual it was great.

Lege Artis said...

Deadly Spells by Jaye Wells, final(?) book in her Prospero's War trilogy. I am still trying to wrap my head around this book and series in general.
I finally got my hands on The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison and I got Rise per last week's bookclub recs, so that's next. :)

Happy Friday and I hope everyone has a nice weekend!

Leah said...

I have shamefully never read the In Death series, although I have read most of Nora's stuff, so I started Naked in Death this week. I've also been reading J Lynn's For You series, so good!

Anonymous said...

Read JD Robb's Obsession in Death. It was really interesting to read about past characters from various books. Intersting ending. After reading Obsession, I read Rapture in Death (this is the one with Jess Barrow).

Right now I'm reading Wild Invitation. Just about finishing up Tammy and Nate's story. :) Looking forward to Rock Hard.

Patricia S

Anonymous said...

I meant interesting in my above post.

Have a great weekend and Happy Valentine's Day to everyone.

Patricia S

Eva said...

I´m reading the German edition of Aftershowparty by Jens Westerbeck.

elodie said...

Reading "After" by Anna Todd.

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