Friday, February 06, 2015

Friday Book Club

Time to talk books! What are you reading and loving this week?


Anonymous said...

Just finished bliss. Loved it!

Anonymous said...

Opps I mean rise !

Nalini Singh said...

Yay, so happy you liked it! You should try to get hold of Karina's other books. I really love her voice as a writer.

BriLiz said...

I just finished Power and Possession by CC Gibbs. It's the first book in her sequel trilogy to her All Or Nothing series.

Sara said...

I just read Rise and What the librarian did,both were good. I love hearing about new authors.

Anonymous said...

Re-reading the JD Robb In Death books in advance of the new one next week, lovely to meet old friends again. Also reading Bad Science by Ben Goldacre, which I am loving. This book shows how badly science is reported in relation to Beauty Products, Nutrition, Health Scares again. Really helpful in helping you see the scams and vested interests. And even better written in language that even I can understand. Job's a good un.

Anonymous said...

Read Rise and What the Librarian Did. I liked them both. Skimmed through Rock Addiction (using bookmarks) in anticipation for T-Rex and Charlie. Now reading Festive in Death since Obsession in Death is coming out Tuesday.

Patricia S

FiveAcres said...
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FiveAcres said...

Thanks to you, yesterday was a lost day. I read Rise on Wednesday evening, then woke up and started reading What the Librarian Did and finished that after mid-morning. I then decided to just read a bit of Here Comes the Groom, and became completely lost in that series, finishing up Prior Engagement right before bedtime last night. I may have to get my husband to hide my Kindle so I can get some stuff today. Six books in just over 24 hours is a lot of books to read, even for me. It was kind of fun, though tough on productivity.

I am not sure how I managed to miss reading Karina Bliss before this, but she obviously has gained a new fan.

Evie said...

Just finished, this week, the True North books 1,2 and 3 and Dare by Allie Juliette Mousseau. Almost done with Bliss and have already downloaded What the Librarian Did for next week. Thanks for suggesting Karina Bliss!

library addict said...

Enjoyed Crossfire Christmas by Julie Miller, part of her long-running The Precint series.

Also read Midnight Promises by Lisa Marie Rice (Midnight #5).

Currently reading Justine Davis' Rebel Prince/ It's book three in her Coalition Rebellion trilogy and for which I waited literally twenty years to be released. Enjoying it so far :)

Lege Artis said...

I read Edged Blade by JC Daniels(Shiloh Walker) and currently reading incredibly well crafted stempunk novel called Karen Memory by Elizabeth Bear. :)
Now I have to try Rise.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!

library addict said...

Oops, that should be Rebel Prince

Anonymous said...

I wanted to give all the Nook e-readers a heads up. Barnes and Noble now has Rock Hard (without the wonderful cover that is coming) now for pre-order. Also, the price is low (don't know how long that will last). Thank you Nalini for letting us order it now so we aren't rushed later on in the month.

Patricia S

Evie said...

Oops! I meant Rise.

Rowena said...

I was meant to start The Last Time We Say Goodbye by Cynthia Hand but after I finished Caressed by Ice, I immediately started Mine to Possess. So much for not glomming the series. :)

Mayanna said...

I just finished Rise! I saw your post and decided to give it a try, it was phenomenal !

lacrima said...

This week was a mix of rereads (Cast in Flames, Guardian Demon, Chimes at Midnight) and new books (Edged Blade by JC Daniels and Blood Redemption and Other Wordly Ways by Connie Suttle). This stupid flu everyone and their uncle seems to get this year makes it hard to focus for long, so I'm doing a lot of skipping around between books.

Anonymous said...

Shaking off the Dust by Rhianna Samuels. When Hannah Campbell attends a memorial service for the neurosurgeon who once saved her life, the last thing she expects is a lightning strike that knocks her out cold and blasts her lungs full of the departed’s ashes. Things only get weirder when she wakes up to find the deceased standing over her hospital bed, insisting she help him track down the terrorists who blew up his plane. Professor Takeshi Shimodo doesn’t know what to believe when smart-mouthed Hannah appears on his doorstep, claiming to be haunted by the ghost of his best friend. Very different and interesting.

Anonymous said...

Semi-Charmed: (a paranormal romance)
Isabel Jordan Really good and hoping for a sequel.

Eva said...

I found my first best read in 2015: Campari For Breakfast by Sara Crowe.

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