Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Hello 2015

I'm officially back at my desk today (though technically, I'm at the dining table - the sunlight coming through the windows is beautiful here right now).

I hope you're all having an amazing start to the new year. Are you looking forward to anything in particular in 2015? Any new year's resolutions? :-)


library addict said...

I don't make actual New Year's resolutions. I did, however, set a few reading goals for the year. I want to at least start some of the numerous series where I have purchased multiple books in the series but not yet read any. I also plan to read the now backlist of one of my autobuy authors I fell hopelessly behind on. I've been buying her books as they released since 2000, but have 15 books in my TBR(plus her new releases for this year). Doing several of the reading challenges at AAR to help with both goals.

There are numerous books I am looking forward to, with Shards of Hope at the top of the list.

azteclady said...

I'm looking forward to a number of books this year--Oh yea, yes, I am.

Shards of Hope is obviously one of them, as is Rock Hard. I'm also looking forward to Courtney Milan's releases this year, starting with her contemporary NA, and I'm hoping for a Meljean Brook as well--I'm dying to read the Blacksmith's story!

Otherwise, there's trip to visit my family in late May--my mother turns 80--yikes! ;-)

Georgia Carter Mathers said...

I'll be looking forward to Shards of Hope. I've just read Hide and Seek. Now I want to read Obsidian of Heart. :) I'll also be finishing my own manuscripts and doing some renovations.

Patricia S said...

I'm looking forward to a lot of new releases this year. The first is Jayne Ann Krentz's book that came out today (January 6). The second is J. D. Robb's coming out in February. Of course I'm looking forward to Rock Hard and Shards of Hope. Another book I'm looking forward to reading is Thea Harrison's book about Julius (the Nightkind King). Any many more that will come out later in the year.

Patricia S said...

I meant in my comment "And" instead of "Any".

Lege Artis said...

To handle my tbr list.
Correction, my tbr mountain. (-__-)
I am looking forward to Aden and epic battle between mouse and T-Rex! :)

Rowena said...

Outside of the regular resolutions, my reading goals are to read more of what I want to read and less of what I feel obligated to read. Another goal of mine is to read more books outside of my comfort zone which means more paranormals. I started Visions of Heat this morning and I'm looking forward to continuing.

I'm really looking forward to the new Rock Kiss book. Bring on T-Rex! :)

azteclady said...

Oh, Rowena, you are in for such a treat--and you have so many books in the series already out to look forward to!

Anonymous said...

Cannot wait to read Shards of Hope!

Always V said...

Only one resolution for me for 2015.
To reread the entire GH books more,
especially Archangel's Blade.
I need to do this because I reread
the Psy-Ch books all the time.
BALANCE is important. :D

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