Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Random Q&A

Questions closed. 

I'm opening the floor to questions. I promise to randomly choose and answer at least ten of the questions that come in. 

I'll close this post to questions in an hour or two depending on how many questions come in, and the answers will go up in a second post. 

Also, before you post your question, make sure it hasn't been answered in FAQ post.

Ready, set, go!


Anonymous said...

Will we get to know if Vivek gets made soon or at all?

Anonymous said...

Will the Hunter series continue after the next book about Jason?

xime said...

Have you considered writting about Illium and the romance with the human that ended up breaking his heart... and wings? </3

Anonymous said...

How many more books in the Psy/Changeling series do you think you will write?

Ren said...

Do you plan to write another series or book beside PsyChangeling and Guild Hunter like what you do last year with Harlequin Nocturne?

Anonymous said...

Do you see yourself writing a story about Kit or any of the juveniles? or any of the younger characters (Keenan/ Noor, Ben/Marlee)?

Anonymous said...

Will you ever write a story focusing on a changeling pack other than SnowDancer or DarkRiver?

Kristi said...

How long do we have to wait to find out who the Ghost is?

Anonymous said...

When will we find out if Nikita is "good" or bad? Will you write about her background?

Unknown said...

UM When will I, I mean we, get Vasic's story? And who is the next Psy book about?

Oh and is Venom after Jason?

ok that's enough for now..

redjuliet said...

Will you ever write a book that shares a little of each of the Psy/Changeling couples HEA's?

PeppyPilotGirl said...

What they asked! LOL! Particularly about Vivek, the Ghost, Nikita, Venom, Vasic!

Anonymous said...

Will Illium's story get told in a novel, or shorter? Wil he find happiness? Does he "love" Elena or the idea of her?

General Vollmer said...

Will we get more of Vivek's story in coming books or any novellas?

Fantailer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aimee From NZ said...

Psy-Changling Series
*Have we meet Kit's (Baby cat Alpha lol) Mate yet? you dont have to say who, just want to know if we have meet her yet :)

And (being cheeky and asking a second question)

Guild Hunter Series
*Does Sorrow/Holly Chang get more involvement in the guild hunter series or is she going to fade into the background?

Anonymous said...

Who is the next destined archangel? It was hinted to be a male known to the Cadre before Caliane.

Tiffany M. said...

Are you planning any other series in the near future? Or a stand alone novel?

Fiona R said...

Hi there, how do you find managing your career from NZ? I know you do travel approx how often a year do you find that happens?

Anonymous said...

Why is the changeling birth rate so low compared to humans and Psy? You would think with as "active" as changelings generally are this would not be the case. :D I wanna see more changeling babies! LOL

Anonymous said...

Are the changelings the result of a genetic experiment or is it a natural mutation?

Will we learn the Ghosts identity in the next couple books?

Will Henry Scott die in the next book from the wounds he recieved in Kiss of Snow?

Anonymous said...

I have a random question I've always wondered about. In CBI Brenna developed telepathic abilities as a result of her attack by Enrique, but there's been no mention of it in the subsequent books. Does she still have the abilities and no one but Judd knows?

PATRICIA said...

Does illium have a whole book like Dimitri ? And also when r we hearing more of Elena And Raphael' adventure ;)

Doc Ouija said...

Within the Psy/Changeling series are you planning to write stories with the central characters belonging to other packs or a member of the forgotten again?

Book Chatter Cath said...

Have you considered or are you going to write a YA series based on the Psy/Changelling young?

Maggs said...

When will we learn more about Vasic? He is a serious favorite of mine and I would really like to see more of him.

Also, when we will we be getting another Psy romance, when and if we do will we getting greater insight in the Ghost, cause I gotta be honest I am dieing for some Ghost.....

nat2am said...

Will there be another story that has to do with Elena and Raphael? What about Aodhan? Will we get the back story on what happened to him? Why he doesn't like to be touched? I could go on but I will stop with those thanks for all your books!

Anonymous said...

When will we get Kaleb's book in which it is revealed that he is, in fact, the Ghost and that Sahara Nightstar is his HEA? ;-P

(Yeah, yeah....I know you won't answer it, and I don't even think I want you to right now, but it's an awesome theory, right?)

shnellehope said...

When an angel becomes an Arcangel how does that new person gain a territory? Do they have to fight or does the Cadre meet and realign boundaries?

Raphel's mom just claimed her territory and no one is certainly going to go against her. But a new Arcangel wouldn't have the power to just carve out a chunk of another Arcangel's land.

Anonymous said...

Are we going to get a story about Kit of the Psy/Changeling universe? I thought he was awesome in Kiss of Snow and I'd love to see about him!

Tracy said...

Is it possible that we'll have another Dmitri/Honor novel? Do you plan to continue exploring their relationship?

Nalini Singh said...

Okay, closing comments now. Answers to at least ten of these quetsions should be up in about fifteen/twenty minutes.