Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Photos From Hawke's Bay, New Zealand

Back in March, I went down to Flaxmere for a great evening event. As my flight came in a little early, one of the lovely staff members from the Hastings Libraries, Carla, drove me around the area. 

Since it was a beautiful day, I got some great shots. I hope you enjoy!

You can just see a vineyard at the bottom of the mountains.

Closer shot of the vineyard.

Part of the ceiling of the Hawke's Bay Opera House. It's a stunning building - if you ever get a chance to visit, definitely check it out!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful area. I like the green shades.

Jennifer K. said...

New Zealand is gorgeous. I'd like to go back some day. Thanks for sharing your photos.

Diane said...

Great pictures; I don't think I'll get there but never say never!!!

Sherri L. said...

Awesome pictures Nalini. Thanks for sharing them. Such beautiful scenery and the Opera house ceiling wow. I didn't even know Hawk was in to opera. lol

Always V said...

Love your pretty pictures.
Thanks so much for sharing.

Hope I get to visit NZ one of these days.


It has to be Such a magical place !!!

Aimee From NZ :D said...

Hawke's bay has nothing on the Westcoast of the south Island (NZ) :D Jokes. Beautiful photos Nalini.

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