Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Tangle of Need is now out! First up I want to share a really cool review quote. (I'll have more review links for you over the week.) 

"As the Psy edge closer to civil war, Riaz and Adria are battered by politics, violence, and their compulsive attraction to each other...The action is also driven by past protagonists whose romances continue to develop realistically. Singh handles the division with deft style, weaving threads of her previous tales into the looming conflict without ever neglecting the budding relationship.

Perhaps more important for returning readers, she stays beautifully faithful to her own mythology, creating a truly satisfying romance and compelling action in one of her strongest episodes to date."

- Publishers Weekly, Starred Review
I've done a number of interviews recently and they'll be going live over the next couple of weeks. The first one is now up at USA Today's Happy Ever After blog. Fellow author Pamela Clare asked some great questions.

Also, I have a short post up at the Australian Romance Readers blog as well. 


Lorna from Scotland said...

Oooohhhh I'm getting desperate now!!! I'm re-reading spoilers and excerpts...I don't know if I can last until next Wed!!! Aaaaiiiieeeeee!!! I'm so excited but I need to read it now!!! :P xXx

Stephanie.P said...

What a marvelous review! Congratulations!

Not that I'm in any way surprised, your work is definitely a cut above the rest!

And now I'm going to go back to staring at the calendar and willing the pages to start flipping the way they do in old movies. Hurry up June 7th!

Saiqa said...

Congrats Nalini. Both the review and the interview are really cool. And congratulations on TON being out. I finished it last night and I particularly enjoyed all the Kaleb bits. And the ending! It has definitely whetted my appetitie for more.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the terrific review. I love how you stay true to the world you created and esp how the characters are evolving. You weave a wonderful web and each book builds on the previous ones. Keeps me coming back for more :)

Anonymous said...

I´ve just read Katibabs review of ToN. LOL - You make her crazy Nalini.

Happy release day!

Anonymous said...

I'm reading Tangle right now and really enjoying it, especially the Hawke and Sienna parts!

However, I am hoping the mating rules are explained more fully as I go further into the book because right now I'm confused as to how Riaz can "move on" with Adria from his true mate, Lisette, even if she is married to another.

LuigiGirlNZ said...

Congrats Nalini! I can't wait to read, but I'm a little disappointed someone posted a "spoiler" in this comments thread regarding a very interesting plot line :-(

Victoria said...

*stomps my foot* am jealous. Having to wait an extra week knowing others have their hands on a new Nalini Singh book is torture! Even thought I might be able to buy an ebook version but no..have to wait til June 7th :( USA and Canada, I envy you, you get all the good stuff first! :)

Unknown said...

Not really a spoiler since we already knew that Riaz had met the woman who could have been his mate, except she was already married. We just found out her name.

LuigiGirlNZ said...

I guess a spoiler depends how you define it.

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