Friday, May 18, 2012

Friday Book Club

Wow, it's Friday again already! Time for the book club - what are you reading and loving at the moment?


lacrima said...

I'm reading Insurgent by Veronica Roth, and rereading Shadows by Jennifer L. Armentrout, because of the 30 Days of Daemon tour she's doing right now.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading the German edition of Archangel's Blade. I have yet to decide wether I like the translation or not. Either way, the cover definitely IS beautiful! <3


Anonymous said...

I am reading "Anna and the French Kiss" by Stephanie Perkins in the German version and it's so much fun and so cute. :)

LuigiGirlNZ said...

I am about to start on Double Share by Nathan Lowell and I'll be re-reading Loose and Easy by Tara Janzen.

Marg said...

Just read Hot Island Nights and Her Best Worst Mistake by Sarah Mayberry. So hot and so much fun!

Cassie said...

Born of Silence, (new book in the league series) by Sherrilyn Kenyon, Amazing loved it.

Chudney Thomas said...

Christine Warren's, Prince Charming Doesn't live Here.

Anonymous said...

Just finished Divergent by Veronica Roth which was good but unexpectedly violent in parts for a young adult book!
Currently reading Born of silence by Sherrilyn Kenyon which I am really liking.

Anonymous said...

A Quick Bite by Lynsay Sands - a quick funny read!
And the Audiobook "The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie" - interesting strong characters and the heroine has an amusing sense of dry humour.

Greatings from good old Germany!

Nalini, I miss the english versions of the Psy-Changeling-audiobooks at Angela Dawe makes such an amazing job! *deep deep sigh*
Licensing law is a bitch :(!

Anonymous said...

Kristen Ashley's Sweet Dreams. Contemporary romance by a self-published author who is getting lots of good buzz on goodreads. I'm liking it a lot!

I'll be picking up Kiss of Snow for a re-read though this week to get ready for Tangle of Need! Any chance we can get some more quotes or snippets from Tangle? Pretty please?

Anonymous said...


just started Embrace of the Damned by Anya Bast. I liked her Dark Magic Series very much.


Anonymous said...

Re-reading KOS for the....sheesh, I've lost count already. So excited about the reviews I've some across for TON. They allude to getting to see more of Hawke and Sienna as well as other characters. Because seriously I would have been happy with a KOS part 2!!! ;) This is what I love about Nalini's books....she always includes other characters that you've grown to love in each book she writes. You never feel like she writes someones story and then you never hear about them again. Come on May 29th! Hurry up!

Anonymous said...

recently read: Into His Private Domain and A Touch of Persuasion by Janice Maynard
currently reading: A Devil Named Desire by Terri Garey

Diane said...

I finished Under a Vampire Moon by Lynsay Sands; her series is hilarious.

Anna said...

Read and loved Mayberry's Her Best Worst Mistake! Thanks for the rec!

Currently reading Skin Deep by Pamela Clare.

Next up is the young adult novel titled A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness/Siobhan Dowd, which will be followed by the historical romance What a Gentleman Wants by Caroline Linden. :o)

Adelaida said...

I just finished reading Kiss of Snow!!
I really love this book!!
But the most important thing for me is: I read this book in English!! (by the way I'm a 17 years old Girl from Austria) :D
After I read all your books in German, I decided that the time has come to change somthing, to begin reading all books in English!!
I really, really love this book!! Can't wait to read the next part with Riaz and Adria!!

Adelaida said...

I just finished reading Kiss of Snow!!
I really love this book!!
But the most important thing for me is: I read this book in English!! (by the way I'm a 17 years old Girl from Austria) :D
After I read all your books in German, I decided that the time has come to change somthing, to begin reading all books in English!!
I really, really love this book!! Can't wait to read the next part with Riaz and Adria!!

Joy said...

Just read and liked What a Gentleman Wants by Caroline Linden. Also, I love this Friday book club that you do - I get so many good ideas here :)

Anonymous said...

I'm about halfway through 2 books right now.

Georgia On My Mind by Marie Force. I got this one free on my Kindle. It is really good with 3 couples finding each other. I love it when everyone gets their happy ending.

I'm also reading Animal Attraction by Charlene Teglia, super hot.

Anonymous said...

@Anon "I'm also reading Animal Attraction by Charlene Teglia, super hot." - I read it too. If you liked it you should try also A Rock and a Hard Place by Charlene Teglia.

Finished Leopard by Jo Nesbo. Great thriller.

Sofia said...

Just finished the The Governess Affair by Coutnay Milan and it was fantastic, This was a prequel to her upcoming Brothers Sinister Trilogy which will be released this summer. I'm now going back to George R R Martins Books!

Patty said...

Just finished Crimson Sunrise by JA saare, book 2 in her trilogy. Loved it!!! Going with a recommendation next, A Cats Chance In Hell by Sharon Hannaford.

Jennifer K. said...

Finally reading Galen and Jessamey's story. It took me long enough, I know! Looking forward to Tangle of Need.

choffee said...

Oracles moon by thea harrison....n people, Hawkes fighting with curran ar vbc's alpha show down..:o

Anonymous said...

Hello Nalini! I'm from Spain and I have to tell you that I fell in love with Guild Hunter series. I have already read the serie, but I keep on reading it over and over. And I wonder...
Will you ever write a book focusing on Illium?
Please, I need it. I love Illium so much!

me said...

her best worst mistake was really good. thanks for the rec as well


Katariina said...

I am reading Call Me Irresistible by Susan Elizabeth Phillips. Hero is The Stuffy or Buttoned-Up Hero material. I added this and some other books to the earlier blogbost (15 May) as recommendations if someone is intrested.

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