Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday Book Club

Time to talk books! What are you reading and loving at the moment?


Annonymous... said...

Read joey hill's 2nd book in the company of witches and kristia douglas' book 3 warrior.REally really good reads.. highly recommend it.

Currently finishing jillian stone's seduction of phaeton black... emmm... dont know what to make of it... unusual read. with some... er.. challenging scenes..

happy reading y'all

Lisa said...

The Witness by Nora Roberts - it's really good

Anonymous said...

I am rereading Slave to sensation. I love that book!

Diane said...

I'm reading Shadow's Fall, third book in a series, by Dianne Sylvan; fantasy book, not much romance in it and I miss that but the stories are good.

lacrima said...

I'm reading Insurgent by Veronica Roth, and just finished Let's Pretend this Never Happened by Jenny Lawson. It was hilarious, and I laughed tears.

Christina said...

I just finished Christina Dodd's Betrayal and it was very good! It left me wanting (I had wanted to see perhaps a little more recognition for Noah from his brothers), but its a great book with Christina's usual wit nonetheless.

I think I'll start rereading the Psy/Changeling series to celebrate Tangle of Need being release!

Anneela said...

Lora Leigh's Breeds series. Hotttt!

Anonymous said...

Jennifer Ashley's Mackenzie series. I read The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie a few weeks ago and LOVED it. The next 2 books have been just as good; Lady Isabella's Scandalous Marriage and The Many Sins Of Lord Cameron. I'm on the short list to get the last title from the library, The Duke's Perfect Wife. You have to fill in the time between the Psy/Changeling books with something and this series is a great one!

ST said...

Just finished - Brotherband Chronicles - Book s2 The Invaders by John Flannagan.
Reading The Serpents Shadow by Rick Riordan.
Before that I read Darkest Surrender - Gina Showalter and Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson.

Anonymous said...

Just finished The Last Boyfriend, book 2 of the Inn Boonsboro Trilogy by Nora Roberts...about to start re-reading the Psy/Changeling books prior to ToN release(thank you for the exerpts)...Love your books ;-) Can't wait for Archangel's Storm
Kristi W.

Anonymous said...

I am reading Her Royal Spyness by Rhys Bowen. It is book one in the Royal Spyness series and it is hilarious.

Rian Lee said...

Finished Beauty the ereader outtake from Laurell K Hamilton and my final reaction was... MEH.. Waiting on Kiss The Dead for story with a distinct beginning, middle and end. Finished Deadlocked by Charlaine Harris and loved it. Somehow I usually disagree with most of Sookie's choices but still LOVE to read about her odd decisions.. Currently reading Changeling Moon by Dani Harper and so far I am invested and interested. This is my first book by this author but I am beginning to be caught up in this world. Planning on starting the Game of Throne series by George R R Martin next..

Sara said...

I just finished the new Amanda Quick book. It was good but very much the same as her other books.

R Gee said...

I am reading Treachery In Death JD Robb. I love the In Death series. Eve Dallas is my most favorite cop of all time!

Sherri L. said...

I'm just doing rereads right now while I'm waiting for new books to come out.

alohahelper said...

I just purchased Born of Silence by Sherrilyn Kenyon for my Kindle, but since it's been a couple of years since I read the 1st 3 books, and Born of Shadows has been languishing on my Kindle since January, I'm doing a re-read of The League series. I'm up to book 2, Born of Fire.

Rian Lee said...

Finished Changeling Moon by Dani Harper... It was wonderfully written. I definitely recommend it!

Wrayth Lethe said...

hi i just wanted to ask if any of your books are available as a french (or german) audiobook? thanks :)

also what i've been reading last few days? I caught up on the last 3-4 books in the anita blake series, finally the man problems are being sorted XD

also re-reading a few favourites. <3

Maxie said...

Currently, reading Firestorm by a.c. Mason and it is very good. a.c. Mason always delivers a sizzling read.

Character Madame Eve famous for hooking up the best one night stands that surpasses one's deepest fantasies. An arranged date is made for Era before going on a special op's mission one she is likely not to survive. Era has the night of bliss with two hunks of burning lust and love. Yummy

merrybookwyrm said...

Wizard Undercover, by K. E. Mills

Anonymous said...

Finished Kiss of Midnight by Lara Adrian.

Now I´m reading Leopard by Jo Nesbo. This man can write!

Anna said...

Reading but not loving Anna Dressed in Blood. :( Stacia Kane's Downside Ghosts series was terrific!

Now, I'm going to try Courtney Milan's Turner series. The Governess Affair was so good, I would like to try more of her work. :o)

julieann37 said...

Reading Jana Leigh's Denver Pack series - just read to partway through book 10 and am loving it!only got 2 more books to go but series only published to book 11 so far...

Anonymous said...

@Anna: That's so weird, I'm rereading the Turner series this week. I think you'll like it. :)

-Sarah M.

Anonymous said...

reading Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick. 3rd book in the Hush Hush series. so happy that the story picked up again following what was a somewhat dissapointing 2nd book (Crescendo). really liking Vee's humor and Patch's witty comebacks. have decided that Black silk sheets are now for me. so good! :)

on another note, i'm anxiously awaiting Tangle Of Need... June, hurry up!

Anonymous said...

was completey engrossed in fifty shades and then stumbled upon a series that has been nagging me for almost a year and i finally started it and now am engrossed.....The Guild Hunter series! lol

tree peters said...

I envy the person who said they're just starting the Guild Hunter series. I just finished it for the second time.
My husband knew I was anxious getting to the end of it and found a new series for me. The Guardians of the Ascension by Caris Roane. I'm just starting. I like the characters and I think I'll enjoy it. I think she's a really good writer and I suspect her style will grow on me more. But it's a bit like watching an actor who's not quite as good... you can start to *see* them acting. It's only then that you realize how good the great ones are... the ones who disappear completely. I sometimes feel I can sense her technique or her planned worlds...
Does that make sense? I do think that will all fade as I get further along because the characters are already compelling.

Angela said...

I have also just finished reading all the Guild Hunter books for the second time can't wait until September and Jason's story, Have read the Q&A hope the 2-4 books doesn't mean the end of the Psy/Changelings as they are one of my favourite books!!!! I just wish my life away waiting for the next book in both story arch.... :-D

debbie loader said...

whilst waiting for tangle of need to be released plus others that are due out (sorry!) I have just finished the Shades of Grey trilogy. I confess to being facinated an repelled at the same time. Its a moving love story but I am desperate for more of Christian Grey, the last part of the third book coudl be considered downright cruel!!

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