Thursday, May 24, 2012

6 Days to go!

6 Days to go till TANGLE OF NEED releases!
When she poked her head up from the sheets to see him walking into the room dressed in nothing but a towel hitched around his hips, a cup of coffee in hand, she simply stopped breathing for a second.

"Come here," she said when she could speak again. He smelled of soap and man and coffee, and she wanted only to rub her face against his chest, indulge the deep sensory need he both created and filled in her.

Also, I recently interviewed Gemmell Award nominated spec fic writer Helen Lowe and the interview's now up at On the Realm, so swing by and have a read. :-)


Ghatna said...

I'm so excited for this book!

julieann37 said...

Truly agreat its an agonising wait -wont get the book until June though here in the UK.When i get it i will do nothing else until i've read it cover to cover.

orannia said...

All the best for the release Nalini!

Rebecca said...

Wow! *fans self* These excerpts put a big smile on my face:) Thanks!

Anonymous said...

it can't be legal what r u doing nalini!

Diane said...

Thank you, need my daily dose!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow!! I agree with Rebecca above. I'm taking a vacation day Tuesday just to read it. so I won't do so "illegally" @ work...I know I couldn't resist. Re-reading KoS now getting ready for Tues. :) Kristi W.

Sherri L. said...

Nice! I can't wait to read this but have to wait :(

Anonymous said...

I cannot wait to read this!!!!! Work has been crazy lately and I've been too tired to really enjoy a nice long read. But things have slowed down and I'm ready to dive into my books. Tangle of Need will be my first read.

Anonymous said...

when will the audio book be released

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