Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Had a wonderful insight into one of the characters in ARCHANGEL'S STORM earlier tonight - it colors everything in the book to date, so I'll need to do another run through the draft, but it's totally worth it!

Here's today's countdown quote:

He didn't budge.
"Release me."
"It's an insult you've given me, Jessamy."

~ Galen and Jessamy in "Angels' Dance" part of the ANGELS' FLIGHT Anthology (8 days to go!)


Elenariel said...

I liked Sara&Deacon and Ash&Janvier stories but I really really can't wait anymore to read Galem&Jessamy's! ♥

Anonymous said...

I am dying to read Galen and Jessamy's story. I would have loved a full length but then it would have taken longer before you brought it out. So I'll take the shorter length.

Anonymous said...

yeah a full-lenght story about Galen and Jessamy would be the best but maybe Nalini will change her mind (for some chocolate cookies maybe?;)))

Saiqa said...

I too am dying for Galen and Jessamy's story the most. And Nalini if you're reading this, I have managed to get a copy of the new J.D Robb so can you please take me out of the draw to give everyone else a better chance. I've read half of it and it is really good.

Anonymous said...

Love the characters you create - can't wait for Archangel's Storm :)

Cyn said...

Nalini, Maybe you could do a scene in Jason's book where the "Girls" decide to spar and the "boys" start making snide comments....or a "normal dinner party" w/ the Seven and the Guild getting together...PLEASE....on knees,hands clasping,eyes imploring...PLEASE.

Diane said...

I'm ready to pull my hair out, I so want this story!

Diane said...

Aw! No hint for Archangel's Storm?

tan said...

Ohhhh I can't wait!!!!!!

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