Sunday, February 05, 2012

Hawke's Bay, New Zealand Event

When: March 1st 2012, 5.30pm - doors open 5.20pm 

Where: Flaxmere Library, Swansea Road, Flaxmere (behind Waterworld) 

Tickets: Entry is free but this is a ticketed event. Limited seats. Tickets available from the Flaxmere, Hastings or Havelock North Libraries. Book sales will be available.

Hope to see some of you there! It'll be a relaxed evening and I'll be taking questions from the audience, as well as chatting about books, works in progress and more.


Saiqa said...

Wish I could go! Can't you come to Manchester in the UK instead, please?

Jules said...

Ah, why New Zealand, what about Ireland? =D, wouldn´t that be nice as well? Cork would be best, but hey, it´s not that big so pretty much anywhere in Ireland would be fine =D...

Book Chatter Cath said...

I need.....I mean YOU need to come to Whangarei, I moved here 6 weeks ago and its lovely. Would be so much lovelier if you came for a visit!!!!!

Jennifer K. said...

Where on earth is Whangarei? Curious minds want to know. And Nalini, I wish I could come pepper you with questions, but I'm stuck here in the U.S. of A. for a while. Maybe I'll make it back to New Zealand one of these days. It sure is a beautiful country. I really enjoyed my visit several years ago.

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