Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday Book Club

Time to talk books!  What are you reading and loving at the moment? I recently reread Jayne Ann Krentz's Sweet Fortune - got to love Hatch!

And here are couple of quotes to take you into the weekend (5 days to go till the release date!)

"You pinned his wings to a wall with seven crossbow bolts."
 ~ from "Angels' Pawn" part of the ANGELS' FLIGHT Anthology

He said, "It's more comfortable here," in a low purr of a tone.
It was a dare, no doubt about it.
~ from "Angels' Dance" part of the ANGELS' FLIGHT Anthology


parentof3 said...

Just finished Gail Faulkner's newest Any Price. Love the new story line she's opened up for us! Now she has 5 story lines going sooo much to look forward to. Can't wait til next Tuesday and getting to revisit the Angels and guild :-D.

Kerry said...

I'm currently reading Sharon Shinn's Archangel, which I'm really enjoying. I see the rest of the series in my future.

Diane P said...

Just finished J.D.Robb's Celebrity in Death-not as emotional as the last which is good.
I'm in the middle of Kim Harrison's A Perfect Blood.

MerviR said...

I'm reading "Angels' Flight". Just got it yesterday and started "Angel's Pawn". I had to finish "Stir Until Thoroughly Confused" by Heather Wardell first. I love Heather Wardell's novels and you can get the first one (Life, Love and a Polar Bear Tattoo)for free at Smashwords!

Anonymous said...

Just read Mark of the Demon by Diana Rowland (meant to read it the week before) and someone twisted my arm and made me get the next two in the series :D Angels Flight despatched. WOOHOO. Can't wait for Cooper's novella...NALINI...hint hint.


lacrima said...

Just finished Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout. It's one of the best YA I've read in a long while, and I loved the heroine. She had spine, wits, and is a book geek.

Cristina said...

Thank you to everyone who previously recommended Fifty Shades of Grey by EL James. I just finished off the trilogy and I loved it! I also read Moira Youngs debut, Blood Red Road. It took awhile to actually like the main character but by the end I was looking forward to the next one, which unfortunately won't be out till August.

Diane said...

I am reading Shiloh Walker's If You See Her, the second book in her If series; third one out next week.

Christina said...

This week I read Navarro's promise (out of order in the series, I read Lawe's Justice before it). I really did not like Navarro. I'm use to the alpha man in Lora Leigh's series (it's why I read them), but Navarro was too much of an a$$ for me to like. I'm really hoping for Ely's book though!

I read the anthology Steampunk II which I enjoyed a lot more than the first collection of short stories. Now I'm in a steampunk mood (at least until Nalini's angels book!) and so I'm rereading Meljean's Heart of Steel.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed reading Hunting Season by Shelly Laurenston and ten pages away from finishing Molly Harper's Nice Girls Don't Date Dead Men.

Saiqa said...

Totally agree with you on Sweet Fortune Nalini. Its always been one of my faves. I finished Celebrity in death. Loved the bit between McNab and Peabody.But what I'm really really dying to read is Angels' Dance.

Sherri L. said...

I'm reading wispers in the dark by maya banks. It's a little different then the other three books in this series but so far not a bad read. Now I have to wait until the next one comes out and unfortunately there are are several books that I want to read coming out at the same time. Ugh!

lovehina154 said...

i just got my copy of Gena Showalter's The darkest Seduction and can't wait to start reading it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to all those here who've been recommending Darynda Jones's Charley Davidson series. I just finished Third Grave Dead Ahead. Now I'm in stasis. Waiting for Feb 28th. Big releases coming from Nalini and Gena Showalter and others...I feel prepared for the Guild Hunter world, but I need a refresher on all that's gone down with the Lords of the Underworld.

Always V said...

I'm in a rereading mode too.
It's JR WARD'S Lover Avenged at the moment.
Love love this story.
It's so unreal. Who would have believed I could love the hero who was a pimp, a drug dealer, a devoted son, brother, friend, a fighter, etc ? And his HEA?
She was his match, even though she was his opposite in every way: innocent, honorable, fiercely loyal & she called coffee- perk-your-a** up!! LOL Couldn't help loving them both... so much!


Anonymous said...

I want to second the comment re: Darynda Jones' series. It's unbelievably good - I devoured all three books and don't know what I'm going to do while waiting for the next one! Charley is witty/clever without being annoying and just crazy enough to make me laugh out loud repeatedly while reading! I need more books like Darynda's in my life!

Anonymous said...

I just finished "Fantasy Lover" by Sherrilyn Kenyon (I guess many of you already know it) and really liked it. Definitely worth a recommendation.


Tinuke said...

Just finished Timeless by Gail Carringer loved the whole Parasol Protectorate series and am just about to start on Lothaire by Kresley Cole. Also love JAK and Sweet Fortune is one of the best. Particularly the moment when Jessie explains how to celebrate being sacked. LOL

Anonymous said...


re-read Kiss of Snow. I had good intentions, to read slowly and devour the book....... Well you know what they say about good intentions.

Just noticed your appearance in Berlin - are there any further signing dates in Germany planned? Preferrable in Frankfurt/Main or Mannheim or Stuttgart? Besides - I have my ticket for the convention in Berlin already bought.

Christina said...

@Tinuke Yay! Someone else reads the Parasol Protectorate series! I just started finished the first book in the series and can't wait for #2.

If anyone has any good steampunk recommendations, I'd love them. I just started Desert Warrior (from the Lord of the Abyss book) and I am loving it so far, Nalini! It's keeping me tied over until Angel's flight comes out this week.

Annonymous... said...

helo.Have you read ironduke by meljean brooke?the best steampunk book ..ever...with a really yummy hero rhys.. enjoy

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