Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday Book Club

It's time to talk books! What're you reading and loving at the moment?


Elaine said...

Just read Zombies Sold Separately and Vampires Dead Ahead (some shockers in that one!). Also re-read Kiss of Snow...what a babe (CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT ONE NALINI!!!). I got Mark of the Demon by Diane Rowland who I haven't tried yet and have Rachel Caine's Last Breath sitting waiting. :D

Anna said...

I read and loved Inked Magic by Jory Strong. The story overshadowed the sexytimes. Very good story.

Still working on Dead Iron by Devon Monk. Will read Courtney Milan's Trial by Desire in the meantime.

Diane said...

Tied with a Bow, I love the Breeds by Lora Leigh.

Elizabeth said...

Just finished Larissa Ione's Immortal Rider and loved it. I'm starting up Head's You Lose by Lisa Lutz.

Aimee From New Zealand said...

Im currently reading Taken by Midnight By Lara Adrian. Nalini I was wondering if you have any plans of coming down to the South Island(NZ) this year for book signings etc...? Because i woul love to have a few of your books signed by you :)Hope you enjoy your day :)

Sycorax said...

I've just finished 'Sea Hearts', Margo Lanagan's new book about selkies. Amazing. I'm currently reading the most recent in Rachel Caine's Morganville Vampires series. Always good fun.

Jennifer K. said...

Hey, Anna, I'm reading Inked Magic by Jory Strong and really digging the story! I've got about 100 pages to go and I can't wait to see how she ends it. Of course, she's working on the sequel now, so that'll be an excellent read as well. I look forward to the continuation of the story!

Anna said...

@Jennifer K. - Cool! The Brianna storyline just breaks your heart. Poor girl. Then, there's the serial rapist. *shivers*


parentof3 said...

Just finished Nightfire by Lisa Marie Rice and If You See Her by Shiloh Walker, really enjoyed them.

Catherine M Kage said...

I just started to read Stormwalker by Allyson James, but I'm having a little bit of trouble getting into the book.

Before that I read Stray by Rachel Vincent and was surprised how much I liked it. I already ordered the second one in the series.

Sandy said...

Just finished Tied with a Bow and Angels of Darkness. Great story Nalini!!

Anonymous said...

@ Elaine - Hope you like Mark of A Demon - it's a good read.

This week I enjoyed Sensual Confessions by Brenda Jackson, and The Fitzroy Legacy duo by India Grey: Craving the Forbidden and In Bed With A Stranger. Currently stalled on The Heart of A Killer by Jaci Burton so I've moved on to Poison Study by Maria V Snyder.


Anonymous said...

I've just read the entire New Species series and Cyborg Seduction by Laurann Dohner

Omg! I totally love her books and yours of course Nalini, I love how you in all your books that I've read, you add lots of drama, heat and emotion in your endings and beginnings of your stories like with Lord of the Abyss, yours out of the four was the only one to have a main character so near death, I always look forward to all your books because they are an excellent read, and I always seem to cry.

Thank you for all your hard work. :D

lacrima said...

I've read the whole Guardian series by Meljean Brook and am now finishing Lord o f the fading lands by CL Wilson. I need something to read for the weekend...

Jules said...

Just finished Vision in White" by Nora´s been a while since I´ve actually read something new and it´s been even longer since I´ve read a book by Nora Roberts....really enjoyed and can´t wait to get my hands on the next book in this series =)!

Athena W. said...

I've been reading the Dark Heavens trilogy by Kylie Chan. Wicked cool mythology, with a dose of awesomesauce kung-fu! First in the series is White Tiger

Lizzy G said...

Reading H.P. Mallory's Dulcie O'Neil paranormal fantasy series. I am really enjoying them! Love when I find an author that's new to me.

Makes the wait for Tangle of Need a tiny bit easier:) - Is it May yet??

Sherri L. said...

I'm reading and enjoying Hidden Away by Maya Banks. It's the third in her KGI series.

Anonymous said...

Just finished Firelight.....absolutely fantastic! First book in a long time that I haven't been able to put down. Intense, gripping, sexy....what else can I say! Nalini, thanks for introducing us to Kristan Callihan.

Saiqa said...

I finished Storm's Heart by Thea Harrison. I enjoyed it and like the character of Tiago more than the male lead in Dragon Bound. Have got the third book too but dont know if I'm going to like it because alot of people have mentioned that it's not as good.

brendab said...

I am listening to the audiobook versions of the psy-changling series and just wanted it in writing that I love the reader. She was an excelent choice and I am enjoying them so very much. Thanks Nalini if you chose her.

Always V said...

How can I read anything else
when ANGELS' FLIGHT is coming out in a couple of days!!!!! ?? SO EXCITED ABOUT THAT!! I've been screaming in the other Message Boards !!

I'm rereading the Guild Hunters!!

It's Archangel's Kiss at the moment. :)


WOW!! The International COVERS are so superior!
MOST GORGEOUS!! Love them <3
The US Editions have been so sadly Left behind in the DUST!! :(

With my sincere apology, I need to confess
that Dmitri's cover is borderline UGLY. :(
Made me wanna cry. :(
I love Dmitri. <3

Since I'm on this topic ...
could I also mention that
CARESSED BY ICE 's cover is also borderline UGLY?
Judd on the cover ? Broke my heart. :(
So bad looking.

Maybe I'll just order International copies?

Sorry... I know it's inappropriate to mention something like that here since this is the Friday Book Club. :(

BUT I'm worried that JASON in ARCHANGEL'S STORM could also end up with another bad looking model :(

parentof3 said...

@Saqia I've read all the Elder books so far and actually enjoyed the 3rd one. I was surprised since I didn't really like Carling in Storm's Heart, but she really evolved throughout the book and you find out why she is as cold as she seems. It also sets up book 4.5 nicely. (there's a small book between Storms Heart and Serpent's Kiss called True Colors which is a sweet read).

Anonymous said...

I just finished Raven Cursed by Faith Hunter. I have really been enjoying this series.:)

Romancejunkie said...

Just finished Hot Head by Damon Suede. It's a fantastic gay romance which open-minded female romance readers will adore - highly recommended.

Anonymous said...

Right now I am reading all your stories. By a happy change I came across Archangel's Kiss, realized it was the second book and leaped for joy. Now I have baught books 1 through 3 for now and will start on them right away. Other than that I have been ravished by the short excperts that are out there and will be reading every single one of your books! They are quite delicous and amazing and so very inpsiring! Thank you for taking me there with your books!!!

Tamara said...

Funny you should ask now! I am re-reading YOUR books. Just finished Mine to Possess and will start Hostage to Pleasure as soon as I get home.

Sandy said...

Found a new series by Elizabeth Vaughan: Warprize, Warsworn, and Warlord. I was gripped from the beginning of Warprize and so thankful that I had the second one on hand. I'm about to start Warlord.

HM said...

I'm reading the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews. As soon as I get one, I can't put it down. The series has made for some late news and and not so great mornings at work!!

Love your books Nalini!

Kghia said...

I just finished River Marked by Patricia Briggs this morning. Now onto Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter by Tom Franklin for a mystery discussion group.

Anonymous said...

Charmfall- Chloe Neill. book 3 in the Dark Elite series.

Saiqa said...

thanks parentof3. I'll definitely read it and try the other story you mentioned too.

Unknown said...

Well, at the moment I'm reading and trying to finish Ken Follett's "The Pillars of the Earth", which isn't precisely short, but I think I'll be done by the 28th of February...when "Angel's Flight" will be released!!! YEEEEEEEEAH!!!
I just can't wait Nalini, I've read all your Guild Hunter Series books in English, because in Italy they translate soooo slowly...they've just published "Archangel's Kiss"...thanks God I'm a Modern Languages student, so I'm perfectly able to read them without waiting!

By the way, talking about "Archangel's Kiss" I'm not so glad about the italian translation of the title...I mean, they could have invented something better than "La carezza del buio"...but I love the book anyway, so no matter..^_^

I hope one day you'll come to Italy too...I would be sooo glad to have some signed copies of your books...

Annonymous... said...

just finished joey hill's latest book, something abt witches,a really good read highly recommend this book, not so er... hot and full of er her usual erotica stuff...:) , also read a new writer kenya wright's book fir baptized ok, not bad at all... before that i just finished the earlier shana abe's books... smoke thief was really good..
this week if i am not drowned by work . will read lara adrians latest book, laura wright's eternal captive... happy readinf y'all

Annonymous... said...

sorry,Some typo errors.

Anonymous said...

Just finished Laura Wright`s Eternal Captive. Loved it!

Unknown said...

I'm currently reading "The Master and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov!

mart said...

reading Kresley Cole's , immortals after dark series , fantastic unputdownable leading to lack of sleep....

Cyndi Walker said...

Just finished off Kresley Cole's and Lara Adrian's latests, and found a new author to add to my 'must watch' list: Caroline Hanson's 'Valerie Dearborn' Series. I have to fill my time while waiting for Christine Feehan's or your next book to come out!! :) Also, spent 3 glorious weeks in NZ over Christmas last year - your country is the most beautiful I've ever seen. We were lucky enough to see some of the most spectacular sites on the South Island (Doubtful Sound, Milford Sound, Pancake Rocks), as well as participate in Maori celebrations on the North Island (my sis has married a Maori). So, so beautiful - and I can't wait to go back one day!!

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