Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday Book Club

Time to talk books! What reads are keeping you busy and entertained this week?


Aimee From NZ South Island :) said...

Im Re-reading 'Glass House by Rachel Caine' at the moment, one of my many favorite's to re-read. I seem to be going through a re-reading faze at the moment since theres nothing i want to buy just yet, im still searching for a good new book series to read:)Cant wait for this years book releases Nalini, keep up the great work!! Love your work :D

Musings by Mimmi said...

Oh, OH! Just finished Darker After Midnight by Lara Adrian ~ it was awesome! I'm listening to the Rizzoli and Isles books ~ almost done with the series, on Keepsake, in audio, and not sure where I'll go next...this weekend I'm reading Rainshadow Road by Lisa Kleypas!

Elenariel said...

I'm reading the Maiden Lane series by Elisabeth Hoyt and re-reading the Psy-Changeling: I can't stay without Hawke! ♥

teriannesis said...

I am catching up on some books I missed buying due to christmas shopping. i bought and have read the new Heart book and will start the new Breed book today. I have also been rereading the Jack Ryan series by Clancy while at work since i HATE reading a new book on my breaks. (all those customers that want to be helped when all I want to do is read LOL)

Diane said...

I'm reading Lothaire by Kresley Cole and admit it's taking me a long time to get through it.

Susanna said...

"The waters rising" by the great Sheri S. Tepper. She is truly a legend and role model for all female fantasy writers.

Jen said...

Just got the library book The Next Always: Inn BoonsBoro Trilogy, Book 1 by Nora Roberts on my Kindle, just finished re-reading Psy-Changling and Twilight.

Anonymous said...

I am late to the party but finally started reading the Immortals After Dark Series. I am on book 7 or so, I just finished reading Demon from the Dark and it was a lot of fun.

One thing I've noticed is I really find the valkyrie characters annoying. They are fun as secondary characters in small doses but when one of them is the main character I know that book will not be one of my favorites.

Also reread The Lies of Locke Lamora. A group of con men in a fictional world rob the aristocracy using very complicated schemes (like White Collar or Leverage tv shows) and there is lots of witty dialogue. Just be aware it is not a romance it is just a fantasy novel, but one of my favorites.

Anonymous said...

Re-reading Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs. I'm on the 5th - Silver Borne. Already re-read Alpha and Omega books. Can't wait til March for the next A&O...

Sherri L, said...

I'm finishing up Lawe's Justice by Lora Leigh and then I'll see if I feel like ordering a new book on my kindle or if I want to reread a book I have. Decisions Decisions :)

Sara said...

Been reading the alpha and omega series.

Anna said...

I'm reading Shadow City (Horngate Witches b. 3) by Diana Pharaoh Francis. The last one ended with a cliffhanger so dying to see what happens. Then, I'll read Dead Iron by Devon Monk.

May have to re-read (again!) the Alpha & Omega series. Seeing all the above posts have me antsy for Fair Game.

ShellBell said...

Have read and enjoyed Darker After Midnight by Lara Adrian and will have another reread of the only JD Robb story I have ever reread, Innocent in Death.

Sarah Appleyard said...

Just finished Dmitri's book and all I can say is 'wow'!!!!

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed (once I immersed myself in the story) Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs by Molly Harper. Loved her werewolf books so I thought I'd give the vampire series a try...

Saiqa said...

I finally got around to reading Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison.Ive wanted to read it since Nalini recommended it and all you guys have been singing its praises. Its not as good as Nalinis books but I liked it. Am waiting for the second book now.Also been re-reading all the Judd and Kaleb bits from the Psy-changeling series.

Sofia said...

@ anonymous I'm also not a great fan of Kresley Coles Valkyries and was put off the books after the 4th one because of them being soooo annoying with the whole 'girlfriend' stuff Aahhhh!! Thankfully Lothaire didn't have too much of that and mainly the interaction was between Lothaire and Elizabeth, so keep reading the book, I really liked it and didn't feel in the dark at all about not having read the other books before this one..

Kghia said...

I'm reading Marjorie Liu's The Mortal Bone and making another attempt at Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash.

Cony said...

Beside fighting with the issues of the software of my T1 I am reading Hamered by Kevin Hearne. I have to admit I liked the first two books of the Irod Druid Chronicles more, but the background information of the other figures and the indications for the following books are highly interesting. (Good thing that I still have my old Sony PRS 650 for reading....)

Anonymous said...

@ Saiqa or Nalini or Anyone who knows: Do you know what specific Psy-Changeling novels contain bits about Judd and Kaleb besides Caressed by Ice?

Jennifer K. said...

Anonymous, the first book in the series, Slave to Sensation, introduces Judd and his family. I think Kaleb first appears in Visions of Heat as a rival to Faith joining the council.

Lizzy G said...

Reading 3rd book in Kresley Cole's Immortals after Dark series as I also reread the Psy-Changeling Series. No matter how many times I reread them they just keep getting better! - I am also super excited about the Patricia Briggs Fair Game Series

Angelina said...

I loving stories about changelings. My favorite are Nalini Singh and Pamela Palmer. I also read Twilight and world of Lupi from eileen wilks. Can anyone recommend me some good books?

Angelina said...

I'm from germany and I've reading Kiss of Snow. I like the scene, when Sienna play drunk and Kit is kissing her. ♥
that's so great!

Drucilla said...

I´m from Mexico and read 4th book immortals after dark (kresley Cole) and read-translate (for a few friends) the 3rd PSY/Changeling i like Clay but my love is Dorian and i can´t waiting for Riaz *.* and i can´t say no to Hawke :D

Tinuke said...

In a re-reading phase. Agent of change series (Liad world) by Lee and Miller. Probably going to read some Czerneda next which is sci/fantasy though has romance thread in it. Sort of in a hum-haw phase at the moment. I hope to pick up the next Lara Adrian soon but in the meantime will be doing a re-read of Psy-changeling series and some other keepers on my shelves as in Marjorie M Liu's Dirk and Steele series. Need to refresh my memory on some plot twists and turns. I might also delve into Lothaire. Read the first of the Thea Harrison and liked it so I need to get hold of the second in the series when pay day comes round at the end of the month. The books I really want to read aren't coming out until June/July this year so re-reads is where it is at apart from a few books here and there.

Bambi said...

It's not really of the paranormal genre, more of a love story really, but once I started it, I couldn't put it down. She makes me proud to be Filipino. I'm recommending Samantha Sotto's Before Ever After. =)

Katy B. said...

Just finished The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. A throwback to gothic novels of old. It was thoroughly enjoyable! Nearly every chapter, I would think, "wait?! What? This person died? Who killed them? Who is the parent this new child?". Mysteries wrapped in mysteries.

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