Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday Book Club

Time to talk books! What are you reading and loving at the moment? 

I've just finished reading The Mountains of Mourning by Lois McMaster Bujold, part of the fabulous Miles Vorkosigan series.


Maria said...

I'm reading "A Scandalous Countess" by Jo Beverly

Jenny Schwartzberg said...

I'm rereading MJ Putney's YA series. I just finished Dark Mirror and am starting Dark Passage. After that, I'm not sure yet. I'm so glad you like the Vorkosigan series! Have you read Shards of Honor and Barrayar?

Sherri L. said...

I'm reading the second book in Maya Bank's KGI series Hidden Away.

Diane said...

I am reading Copper Beach by Jayne Ann Krentz. She never disappoints me!

Sherri L. said...

Oops I ment No Place to run :)

Anonymous said...

Re-read Tinker series by Wen Spencer.

ShellBell said...

Currently reading Death Magic by Eileen Wilks. After that I need to catch up on either Terry Spear or Angela Knight.

Jennifer K. said...

I'm getting ready to read Lothaire by Kresley Cole. I love her Immortals After Dark series!

Sara said...

I read Copper Beach this week which was a good book but not one of Krentz's best. I also started reading Maya Banks KGI series.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading Thea Harrison's third Elder races series this series then ill read Lothaire :-)

Anonymous said...

Just read Lothaire - it was great!

Anonymous said...

On a slightly unrelated note, has there been a newsletter for January and was there one for December?

Anonymous said...

I'm reading "The Splendor Falls" by Rosemary Clement-Moore at the moment and so far it's really good and exciting!

Annonymous... said...

read touch of power by maria snyvder and meljean brooke's heart of steel...okay enjoyed both books but the iron duke was ... way better.Finishing kathryne kennedy's fire lord's lover... really like her books ..historical fantasy.. highly recommend her books .Oh yeah enjoyed book4 lord of the abyss ... love micah...
next will be lothaire on my
Happy reading everyone.. peace..

Veronika said...

Lothaire.... great book!!

Anonymous said...

I'm reading the fourth (and last) of Paolini's ERAGON series. Don't know the original title (I read it in German).
Great book, awesome series! If you like epic fantasy, I can't recommend it highly enough!


me said...

LOL, I'm with the majority and just finished Lothaire. Wasnt interested in him as a character or his book but absolutely enjoyed. I think Cole did an awesome job with this and kept the right balance of humor and scary bad hero.


Vikki said...

Born of shadows by Sherrilyn Kenyon. It's good :)


Anonymous said...

I just finished All That Bleeds by Kimberly Frost. The hero Merrick, is a half vampire half human who is head over heels in love with a muse, a woman who inspires artists and scientists to create. Merrick is very protective of Alissa and their love letters were adorable. The lengths that Merrick went to, to protect Alissa were over the top in a good way. He is the shining example of an alpha male.

Anonymous said...

Just finish Ordinary Wisdom by K. Blue. What an uplifting read! Really enjoyed! Would highly recommend.


Iswari said...
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Iswari said...

Hey everyone! I have been busy reading The Iron Druid Chronicles (Hounded/Hexed/Hammered) by Kevin Hearne. The series is about a 1,200 year old Druid named Atticus who lives in Tempe and he has conversations with his wolf hound (which are just hilarious by the way!) At the same time, he is battling the everyday vampire/demon/witch/warewolf that comes along. Also read the latest guardian book by Meljean Brook (Demon Marked) which was wicked good. I also finally finished the last book in Ava Gray's Skin series (Skin Dive). I was sad to see it all end, but it was super satisfying as well. Still waiting to get Lothaire from the library.

Lizzy G said...

Okay - I was so excited about the post-Christmas ebook sales! I found two new authors through book deals.

1. Jaye Wells' Sabina Kane series about Vampires and Mages! - I loved this unique take on vampires.

2. Hex Series by Linda Wisdom. These witches are truly hilarious. I recommend starting with 50 Ways to Hex Your Lover.

Nalini Singh said...

@Jenny Schwartzberg

Have you read Shards of Honor and Barrayar?

Yes! That's actually how I got into the series, and they remain favorites.

Anonymous said...

I'm currently reading the second Valerie Dearborn novel. It's a vampire series, but it looks like it's going to extend to many other supernatural creatures (save for angels ~_^). It's been a nice departure from the string of YA books I was reading. I recommend checking this series out. I think it's only for the Kindle for now but the first book is only $1.99 (though it was 99 cents when I got it) and the second is $3.99. It's the best 99 cents I've spent on a Kindle release so far!

Salal said...

Just finished Kiss of Snow...and OMG was it great!! I was afraid I'd be disappointed after waiting for Hawke's story for sooo long, but it was wonderful! No disappointment at all, it was even better than I'd hoped for. These books keep getting better and better. *sigh*
Question: When can we expect the next book in the Psy-Changeling series? I'm hopelessly, shamelessly addicted...

Cony said...


I am currently reading Lothaire, as a lot of you do,while the to be read pile grows and grows and grows..... I just want to thank you all for the great tips about authors and books - you prevent my wishlist from sinking below 100 books ;-)...
For all of you with a faible for epic fantasy I would recomend the books of David Eddings. (Series are called Belgariad followed in the storyline by Malloreon; Elenium followed in the storyline by Tamuli (Each of the 4 series are finished but the seconds are a follwo up) and the Elder Gods.
All the best

terlee said...

Lothaire, by Kresley Cole. Snowy, stormy day, Irish stew cooking on the stove, a great book to read, snuggled on the couch. Good day, for sure.

Rachael said...

If I could go back in time it would probably the scottish highlands with the warriors on those cold highland nights. Love those books too. Rachael

Shan said...

Oh I love Lois's books - I can't wait for the new Ivan book!

Shan said...
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