Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Kiss of Snow Now Out!!

Kiss of Snow is out!! I hope you all love Hawke and Sienna's story!

p.s. The newsletter went out a few minutes ago - it should be hitting in-boxes soon. Everyone who emailed me to ask they be manually added, has been. Please check your spam folder if you didn't get the newsletter. And enjoy! :-)


Rana said...

First one to comment. I been up all night reading. Got the ebook minutes after midnight. call me obsessed. =D

Anonymous said...

Devoured the book. It is absolutely wonderful.

Erin E. said...

It was waiting for me when I woke up and I promptly read it in one sitting! Loved it! The story is beautiful, I adore the interaction between Hawke and Sienna. Easily my favorite book this year! Thank you!

The Queen B said...

It's a truly fabulous book. Congrats on release day!!

Anonymous said...

question any one who read the book and can answer this right, will sascha have her baby in this story and if she does, wat kind is it and wat's it's name???????

from: tericka

FiveAcres said...

Another who read it on my Kindle in one sitting, starting at 5 am today. Loved it.

Anonymous said...

I received an email from the bookstore. Expected delivery day: Friday.
Already advised husband and children that NO one was allowed to disturb me once I receive the book until I am finished reading it.

Anonymous said...

Started reading the book at midnight. Had to take a nap at six. Finished the book at 5. Haven't done anything but sit and read. It was amazing!!! I don't know how I'm going to wait until next June for another Psy/Changeling book! A year is too long to wait even knowing I'll have Guild Hunter books to tide me over.

Anonymous said...

Just finished KoS. I didn't enjoy the romance between Hawke and Sienna. It was all kind of boring and Hawke didn't appeal to me in this book as much as previously :( Also, the constant stop and go interaction between the two got old and annoying after a while. However, I loved, loved, LOVED the romance between Walker and Lara.

Roksana said...

I bought it on my lunch hour yesterday and so far managed to read 200 pages. Its soooo HAWT...makes me blush every time Hawke is near Sienna. Love it LOVE LOVE LOVE it so far. I giggled sooo much reading it that my Hubby was giving me WTH look....LOL

I will let you know what I thought once I finished this book (Probably by the end of today). :)

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Another awesome novel! I hope more will come! Thank you for creating this amazing world and awesome characters!

Anonymous said...

Boy you guys are up early!!!!.Sadly the book stores in my country will not get it for another week and a half but i am on their contact list as soon as they have it its MINE.

Tati Anna said...

loved it

_snitchbitch said...

I'm so excited - can't wait to get my hands on a copy!

Anonymous said...

I was there when Murder by the Book opened to get my book and my number for the signing!!! Whoot!! Loving the book! Can't wait to get it autographed!

Stacy L.

Anonymous said...

thank you for the most wonderful book

Diane said...

I've started reading it and love it already!

Ingrid said...

I absolutely adored this book! Devoured it in one sitting and will enjoy a more leisurely pace as i read it a second time possibly tomorrow :) Really enjoyed the peaks into past books characters lives as well as some new ones. Congrats Nalini, as usual you have written another story that will be cherished by many as a favorite!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! All I can say is "go'ne girl"... you know how to write a story. Your books are always a sure bet!


luthienlinwelin said...

Awesome. I was eager to find out how you would reconcile the age and maturity issue, and you did it absolutely brilliantly - I have read other May-December-ish romances which didn't quite work out right, and I was ecstatic that Hawke and Sienna did. Also, Walker and Lara! Kyaa~~~~!!!! I also loved the revelations about Nikita, the Ghost, and the Arrows.

AlwaysV said...

I'm reading Hawke & Sin as slowly as I can.. That's me whenever I read a Spectacular Book!!! Never want this story to end.. so.. I'm now reading where Hawke stopping the car .. dancing with Sin.. L.O.V.E. them together..

Jenny Schwartzberg said...

I love love love Kiss of Snow! When and where can we ask questions about it??

emelou said...

I love this book!!!!!!! Picked it up @lunch and read what I could, just finished. I can't wait to read it again. loved the ARROW appearances in the .

Anonymous said...

OMG i just spent six hours devouring KoS. It was awesome and well worth the wait and torture. Another home run Nalini = Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!1

Anonymous said...

Just finished reading Kiss of Snow... a perfectly spent 6 hours. Already anxious for the next one.

ila88 said...

love, love love the book !! totally worth the wait. I can't wait for the next book those 2 totally deserve an HEA, plus I'm looking forward to seeing the direction of the next arc!

Cony said...

Suffered yesterday from migraine... Received the book for my Sony, even put it on the device but was not able to read anything.... I hardly can wait to start this evening.

Sarah L. said...

I just finished reading it. I honestly wasn't sure what to expect. So often "long-awaited" romances fail to live up to high expectations, I mean how could they do anything BUT fail? That's the nature of expectations, right?

In the words of "The Princess Bride", this one left them all behind.

Thank you so much for this book. My warm and fuzzy glow thanks you too.

Victoria said...

ebook here in UK arriving on 2nd June and so jealous of you all who have your hands on a copy already! :) am contenting myself with a quick re-read... and Nalini - fantastic news that more psy/changeling worlds stuff is to come!

stephanie said...

What a wonderful book. And two romances for the price of one! I can't wait for my hard copy to come in from Amazon. Thank you Ms. Singh for your wonderful stories!

Clovera said...

Still waiting for the book... I'm keeping my fingers crossed as it'll be holiday in my country and I'd have 4 entire days for KoS... I'm soooo waiting for this delivery!!!

Anonymous said...

Loved it. Better than I imagined. Too often books you wait a long time for fail to live up to expectations but Kiss of Snow exceeded mine. Thanks Nalini for a wonderful book.

Anonymous said...

I truly enjoyed the book. There were a lot of changes in KOS. I loved the Hawk & Sienna’s and Walker & Lara’s romances. Hawk was as dominant as I thought he would be . Walker surprised me a little. But it was a lovely surprise.

Anonymous said...

The book was great answered all of my questions. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVED it! Started it at 3am yesterday morning as soon as my Kindle got it :)
Loved how Hawke was dominant yet tender and playful with Sienna, not wanting to rush her.
And the romance between Lara and Walker was perfect!
Both storylines captured me :)


Aleiona said...

yessss!! I liked it soooo much!! Hawke and Sienna were all I espected and hoped them to be!! Also Walker and Lara's story was great!! thanks for writing so much wonderful stories.

Margaret said...

Just finish reading Kiss of Snow!! and omgosh I love IT!!!! I so happy that Sienna and Walker both found their mates in this book!!!!

Helen Lowe said...

Congratulations on the release, Nalini!

Anonymous said...

I loved the Story it was really great. I took all day to read it but it was so worth it =D

Roksana said...

I was up till 3.30am reading this book and I LOVED IT, LOVED IT.
Loved how tormented both Hawke and Sin were abt their relationship and how they worked on it slowly...and damn that wolf is HAWT.

Loved the Lara and Walker romance too....and went all hormonal when baby was born and the bond forming with Lucas (and Hawke) :)

And finally LOVED KIT!! :)

over all A+ book. Thanks! need you sign it when you are touring Auckland!

Mikaela said...

Omg I love you I love you I love you....and maybe despise you just a little...I neeeeeed more. Ugh. c

Anita Ledford said...

So...I preordered the book from B&N but it doesn't arrive until Friday and then I realized it was available on Kindle, so I bought the ebook version anyway. I absolutely LOVED this book! I guess I'll just have to read it again and again once I get a hard copy to make sure I didn't miss anything! :)

Maryadine said...

Went to bed at 4 am. LOVED this book. Nothing to worry about between Sienna and Hawke's relationship. It works and she is able to hold her own. Tons of twists and great action. Fantastic book. Great work Nalini!

AlwaysV said...

For a Spoiler Thread.. LOL.. no one has been giving anything away.. How come?
Could you guys share if it was clear to you why Sienna's X-Fire didn't burn down the PACK? During my first read I didn't get it. I had to reread a couple of times. Then I've to confess that this cardinal X-Psy is out of this world Superior!! Sienna..YOU ROCK!!!

Anonymous said...

I drove to Invercargill on release day (despite pre-ordering for my Kindle) only to find no copies till the middle of next week...argh!!! so had to wait till 7.30pm last night for my Kindle copy to arrive....then stayed up till 2am reading it.

Worth every single moment of missed sleep, I absolutely adored KOS, and have just completed my third...yes third reading. I just have to say I utterly adore Kit, the kiss, the shots in the bar, I hope he gets his own book one day, which reminds me a whole year till the next Psy/Changeling that's cruel...

Other things I loved specifically, because KOS is now my favorite of a series I adore, seeing the Lauren defection from Sienna's pov, the birth of Sacaha's daughter, practically every moment of Sienna and Hawkes romance, Walker and Lara, Aden another who needs his own book.... such a lot of things but one specifically the continuing growth of all the characters I've come to love in the previous books.

Sincere thanks to Nalini for her creation of this captivating world and it's assortment of wonderful characters.

orannia said...

All the best with the release Nalini!

Anonymous said...

I know Nalini didn't have a say in this, but I am really bummed that the Kindle price is $12.99. The paperback one is $7.99.
That's highway robbery!

crobl005 said...

I will look into this book. I didn't know about it.

gardengirl said...

Have just finished Kiss of Snow, having bought it for my Kindle. Fabulous! I thoroughly enjoyed it and have decided to go back to the beginning and enjoy spending time with these intense characters. The plot line has taken a quantum leap and, at last, we got to see into Hawke. Thank you xxx

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