Friday, December 24, 2010

Kiss of Snow

The first chapter excerpt of Kiss of Snow is now up!

Merry Christmas everyone! :-)


Anonymous said...

Thank you Nalini!

I wish you all: "Fröhliche Weihnachten!"

silverdezz said...

Awesome Christmas present!

Merry Christmas guys!

Jessica D. said...

Thank you for that awesome read!

Merry Christmas!!!

Book Chatter Cath said...

Holy crap that was awesome....thanks so much for the sneak peak ♥
Hope you have a very merry Christmas Nalini ♥

violet said...

Thanks alot for the sneak preveiw.Merry Christmas....

Erin E. said...

Thank you, thank you! Merry Christmas to us, what a wonderful surprise!

Hawke is so yummy, it is going to be a long 5 months!

Bella@BeguileThySorrow said...

*sigh* I ♥ it already...
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year Nalini :)

Clovera said...

Thank you so much Nalini!! That's wonderful!!!!
I can't wait! May it's too far away!)

Merry Christmas!!

Natasha said...

Thank you soo much! This made my day!

mishakimou said...

THANK YOU NALINI!! Brilliant Christmas present!!!!! Happy Christmas to you too! Xx

Mo the monster said...

Thats an awesome chrismas present
Can't wait til the release

Wish you a wonderful chrismastime :D

Sofia said...

I knew I shouldn't have read that, as I really want Hawkes book NOW! ..Oh well it'll have to be about delayed gratification lol!

Merry Christmas everyone!

braukes said...

Wow, that was awesome. Ooh, Hawke. Thanks for sharing, Nalini!

Louise said...

That was incredible!!!
Thank you soooo much :)

Merry Christmas!

A.Weber said...

i don't see it up....

Fiona said...

Thanks a lot! That was awesome.

Merry Christmas!

Shannon said...

Oh I simply cannot wait for this book, Nalini! I love my Hawke something fierce and cannot wait for his HEA! Merry X-mas everyone!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the fantastic present! Merry Christmas everyone!

Anonymous said...

It's not coming up for me either. I can only see the cover blurb :(

Anonymous said...

That was the best gift ever. Thank you, thank you, than you.

Goddess Athena said...

Thank you Nalini! Happy Holidays everyone!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the early present! Merry Christmas and please feel free to surprise us some more!

Lola said...

OMG i luv you! this has made my chrsitmas!!!

Anna said...

OMGosh! Thank you for the wonderful Christmas surprise!

Oh my! KoS kicks off fast and will be "around 100 pages longer" than the other Psy/Changeling books. Woo hoo!

Enjoy the season and have a safe and happy new year!

Kenya said...

OMG thank you sooooooooooo much.You are so awesome!! I looooooove me some Hawke!!! I cant wait until May.

Hope you have a Merry Christmas Nalini

Jennifer K. said...

I want it! I want it! I want it! Whoo-hoo, that was great but I want it all! I can't wait.

Thanks for the present, Nalini. It made my day.

Merry Christmas to everyone.

Anonymous said...

Helen G. says...

Thank you Nalini... I can't wait till summer!! Have a great Holiday Season to you and yours!!

Happy Holidays Everyone!!!

Helen G.

Ramona said...

I can't wait to read Kiss of Snow! Thanks for the first chapter, Nalini. I don't know if it makes waiting until June better or worse..
Happy Holidays everyone.

kylie said...

You're tops, Nalini! Have a very merry Christmas!

Krystyn said...

That was such a wonderful Christmas present, Nalini! Thank you so much! :)

So, what would you like for Christmas?


Unknown said...

Thank you so much, that was a brilliant present
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year

Nalini Singh said...

If you can't see it, you may be seeing a cached version of the page. Clear your history or hit refresh and you should see the chapter. :)

Kim Zielke said...

Thank you Nalini! This is the best (pre)-Christmas gift ever!!!

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Fiona said...

actually... (since I've been reading it for the 10th time by now..) You could make this a lot easier by starting the countdown right now.. That way I wouldn't spent that much time thinking about the number of days i have yet in front of me. please? :)

Diane said...

Merry Christmas Nalini and friends!
And Thank you for the joy we get from reading your books.

orannia said...

Thank you Nalini! I hope you and your family have a lovely day!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the sneak peek nalini! can't wait for may! it was a christmas and birthday present rolled into one!

Farscapegirl said...

Thank you so much - now I'm even more excited for Hawke & Sienna's story!

Merry Christmas!

coco said...

oh my!!!! i can not wait for this book to come out!!!! i love the way hawke responded after she left the room and the correlation between what sienna saw and her attitude!!!

Rima said...

Thanks Nalini! I hope you have an amazing holiday!

I got shivers reading that first chapter. I'm torn thinking about a romance between the top leader and a novice solider. I am worried that Sienna might be too subordinate for Hawke. But, I love your books, so I'm sure you'll have a great storyline! I can't wait until June.

Anonymous said...

ps. I hope Sienna gets back at Hawke, heehee!

joeyjhg2 said...

Merry Christmas!
Thanks for the awesome Christmas present. I can't wait! :)

Roksana said...

Thank you, Thank Chrismas present!! cant wait for June now.

Merry Xmas!

Anonymous said...

Nalini, thank you, it was amazing to be able to read the 1st chapter of KoS. I loved how hard Hawke trying to control himself when it comes to Sienna. I also loved how pissed off she was at him while he was telling her punishment. I'm real curious what caused the fight between Sienna and the other girl? I can't wait to see what its going to be like when Hawke and Sienna are together and he pulls rank. Dying to get my hands on this book, May can't come fast enough.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the awesome Christmas present!!!! I literally can't wait for June!!!!!!!!

Meg B said...

O.M.G. I want more now.

Thank you.

Maryadine said...

Thanks for the chapter. Fantastic present. I am not sure I loved it though. I really like them both and I would hate to see a book where Hawke is so dominant that the relationship is not good for Sienna. Everyone seems to be supporting Hawke and looking out for him but who's on her side? Even her uncle gave up her secrets...knim...

Christa said...

Thank You So Much-Its going to be a long time until I can hold KoS in mu hands. Lvoe the couple Hawke and Sienna! Merry Xmas Nalini!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome!!!!! Bon noel!

Athena Y. said...

Thank you so much for the lovely present! Joyeux noel tout le monde :D

I can't believe we still have to wait half a year...*groans*

Pilar said...

Thanks for the chapter. Fantastic present. I am not sure I loved it though. I really like them both and I would hate to see a book where Hawke is so dominant that the relationship is not good for Sienna. Everyone seems to be supporting Hawke and looking out for him but who's on her side? Even her uncle gave up her secrets...

I didn't see the excerpt as Hawke being too dominant towards Sienna. He was an alpha punishing a soldier for acting out of line. And from what was disclosed in the chapter, he's been letting her get away with stuff that he shouldn't have and it's starting to get noticed by the rest of the pack. As he stated in the excerpt, hierarchy is important in keeping SD high on the proverbial food chain, and he can't let his feelings for one woman risk the rest of the pack being seen as weak.

Like he told Lucas...he can't let it go this time...which implies that he's been letting it go for awhile now.

As for everyone being on Hawke's "side"? Not really seeing that either. Firstly...all the excerpts, save for a brief passage in PoP, have been written from Hawke's POV. Secondly...everyone has been basically telling him he's being an idiot. Riley told him in BbF that whatever was going on between him and Sienna, Hawke needed to back off or figure his shit out. In PoP, Indigo told him he needs to figure his shit out or he's going to lose her. Andrew thinks the whole situation is hilarious, and told Sienna, and I quote "Give him hell...and then come tell me about it" and even teases Hawke about it later in the book. Sascha is blatantly on Sienna's side, and in this excerpt, Lucas told him he was being an idiot. Soo...given that, I'm not sure anyone's really on anyone's side...everyone just has a vested interest in the outcome.

We won't know until KoS is out who's there for Sienna to talk to.

The wait is killer, however.

Barbarita V said...

I got what I wanted. Thanks Nalini for the excerpt.

Anneela said...

Thanks a million Nalini! What a sweet Christmas present :)

Anonymous said...

thank youuuu!
and now i cant waitfor more!


orangecat81 said...

Great KoS excerpt!! Ive been a fan of this series since Slave to Sensation.

However, just noticed one small inconsistency in Sienna's age stated in PoP and events taking place in the KoS excerpt. In PoP, i read that Sienna was 18 going on 19. Events in KoS excerpt, which took place approx 2 months after PoP (courtesy of Indigo's statement to Hawke which was also found in PoP), show us that Sienna is 19 going on 20.

Anyway, can't wait for KoS. Thanks posting the KoS excerpt, Ms Nalini.

Nalini Singh said...

@orangecat81 - I went back and double checked my notes because I'm just a wee bit *cough* obsessive about continuity, and happily I can explain the age change: Sienna has a birthday between Play of Passion and Kiss of Snow.

I don't think there were any shenanigans as with her 18th but who knows? :D

Elisa said...

I came across your latest book from this series (Play of Passion) randomly but as soon as I started reading it, I couldn't stop and managed to finish it in one day (that included ignoring my bf's calls lol)! Then I decided to buy almost all of the books from this series and I must say, you are officially one of my favorite authors now!

I've been dying to read about Hawke cos he's so delicious and hott lol :P now it's gonna be a torture to wait until June...but thank you so much for the sneak peek of first chapter! I really can't wait anymore!!! X(

Anonymous said...

So how old is Sienna 18, 19, or 20

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