Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Anna Campbell - Captive of Sin

Contest closed.

The random winner of the signed copy of Captive of Sin by Anna Campbell is ERIKA. Congratulations! Please email me your mailing address at: nalinisinghwrites AT gmail DOT com.

I adored this book! And I'm so excited I have a signed copy
to give away!
He pledged his honor to keep her safe...

Returning home to Cornwall after unspeakable tragedy, Sir Gideon Trevithick comes upon a defiant beauty in danger, and vows to protect her whatever the cost. He's dismayed to discover that she's none other than Lady Charis Weston, England's wealthiest heiress-and that the only way to save her from the violent stepbrothers determined to steal her fortune is to wed her himself! Now Gideon must hide the dark secrets of his life from the bride he desires more with every heartbeat.

She promised to show him how to love - and desire - again...

Charis has heard all about Gideon, the dangerously handsome hero with the mysterious past. She's grateful for his help, but utterly unwilling to endure a marriage of convenience-especially to a man whose touch leaves her breathless. Desperate to drive him mad with passion, she would do anything to make Gideon lose control-and fall captive to irresistible, undeniable sin.

Link to Anna Campbell's Website
You can read the full rules here, but to enter, just leave a comment. How about sharing your favorite historical hero or heroine, fictional or real?


Book Chatter Cath said...

I LOVE Anna Campbell!!
All of her characters are so rich and full of life and usually flawed:)
I'm not entirely sure why but I have a bit of a thing for Ann Boleyn
Yes she did some really questionable things but so did they all, she was probably just a little more honest about her intentions
Thats for the great comp

Wic said...

this sounds promising but most of Anna Campbell books are loved by me. I would love to get my hands on a copy.

host said...

This book sounds very interesting, I would love to read it.

My fav historical character is Mr Darcy from Pride & Prejudice :)

Thanks for the giveaway!

franalokas (at) yahoo (dot) com

jeldblue said...

Oooh, the book looks great! My fingers are crossed for the drawing. And my favorite historical hero? Hmm. I'm not sure I have a favorite hero -- but my favorite historical character overall is Napoleon. =)

jeldblue said...

Oops-- my contact email is: jennifer.l.dempsey{at]



Pollysilver said...

I really enjoy Anna Campbells books. I don't read alot of historicals but when i do she's at the top of my list.

Natalie Mulford said...

I just read 'Two Dukes of Wyndham' by Julia Quinn & really enjoyed it! Though I have to say, I too am a Mr Darcy fan!

Unknown said...

The book looks great, I'd love to read it, my favourite historical person is either William Shakespeare or Phillp II of macedoine

Lola said...

I will be honest i haven't read any of Anne Campbell's book, but i heard she is an amazing author and was think of gettin one of her books :)

Fav historical character is lady macbeth :) or Shakespeare!

Unknown said...

It's sounds very good... I heaven't read anything by her yet <>

Helen said...

i'd love to read the book.
Oooooooo favourite historical figure thats hard...
the bard is up there and macbeth(or maybe the witches in it) is probably the character(s) i like best
thanks for the chance to win books

Anny said...

i havent read any thing from anna campbell. im looking forward to read her books if i do win ;)

thank you nalini for the give away :)

Liz said...

I've never read Anna Campbell. Definitely have to add her to my list.
I'm having trouble coming up with a favorite author for the genre, let alone a favorite character. Hmmm, may have to revisit some books :)

Gail Leinweber said...

I think my favorite historical character is Gertrude Bell, she just has such a fascinating life story.

Anonymous said...

I haven't read Anna campbell yet, but I might have to do something about that. Favorite historical romances would be Sarah MacLean's. She has only two books out, but they are hysterically funny. First one is Nine rules to break when seducing a rake, but the second book may be even better.

dorien_benaets AT hotmail DOT com

Kerstin said...

Oh well, I'm not much of a historical romance reader, but "Captive of Sin" sounds quite intriguing!
Would love to read it!
Thanks for the giveaway!

k.denzel {at} gmx {dot} de

Unknown said...

I would love to have that book! I am all over historical novels right now. Started with Julia Quinn and Lisa Kleypas.

Anneela said...

Hi Nalini, please count me in for the draw. My all time favourite historical hero has to be Ian Thornton from Judith McNaught's Almost Heaven. It's the first historical I've ever read and he's been in my heart ever since.

Unknown said...

Mine would be Jamie and Claire from the Outlander series.

robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com

shortyal2008 said...

I really like Anna Campbell!! Haven't read all of her books but have read a couple. My favorite historical series is probably MacAllisters/Brotherhood of the Sword by Kinley MacGregor(aka Sherrilyn Kenyon). Love Sin! Also really enjoyed Julie Garwood's historicals, with Judith and Iain being my favorites there. Also can't leave Mr. Darcy out!!

Alicia L.

Aurian said...

I like historical novels a lot, my all time favourite character must be Sky O'Malley, by Bertrice Small. I love rereading those books time and again. She is such a strong and adventurous woman. She has survived five husbands and a few royal lovers!
thanks for the give-away

MaryK said...

Cool, this book is on my wish list! I've always had a thing for the Scarlet Pimpernel.

kylie said...

Ooh, I'd love to jump back into historicals. Some notable literary characters that come to mind would be Stephanie Laurens' Cynsters, with Harry (Harold) being my one of my favorites. Susan Carroll's St. Leger men are also wonderful, especially the noble Valentine "Val" St. Leger. I was so relieved and happy when he finally got his HEA!

Stephanie M said...

My favorite is probably Elizabeth Bennett from Pride and Prejudice.
I love historicals. Thanks for the giveaway.

smccar1 at hotmail dot com

Madhura said...

I really enjoyed Anna's first book. The story was not a run-of-mill romance but had depth to it. Please enter me to the contest.

Its much easier to talk about my fav. authors when it comes to writing beautiful historical heroes - Lisa Kleypas, Monica Mccarty, Judith Mcnaught, Julie Garwood.
As for favorite heroes are concerned, its too hard to think of one. I want them all ;)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for introducing me to yet another good historical author! My favorites would be Jamie and Claire from the Outlander series and Jondalar and Ayla from Earth's Children.

Thank you!
moobooblake AT yahoo DOT com

Lauren Hunt said...

I adore Anna Campbell!
Hmm. Favorite Historical Hero/Heroine...

I'd say either Mr. Darcy from Pride and Predjudice or Queen Elizabeth. Mostly because they thought she would be overthrown so quickly and ruled for 40+ years (:
I am woman here me roar!

My email is laurenhunt_13 at yahoo dot com if I happen to win EKK!

Lauren Hunt said...

OH YUCK! Hold on! HEAR me roar not HERE me roar. Sorry! OCD!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the introduction to Anna Campbell. I'll have to check out her work. For historicals, I'm a big fan of Lisa Kleypas and Julia Quinn.

My favorite pair is Poppy Hathaway and Harry Rutledge from Tempt Me At Twilight.

The Consummate Reader said...

oooooo i love anna campbell!!!! my favorite hero would be Devil Cynster from Stephanie Lauren's Cynster dynasty. he's so outrageous! i hope i win! imlychee4ever00100[at]

daragold3 said...

hmmm... historicals, lately i have been really fond of stuff written by sabrina jeffries

Diane said...

I've never read Anna Campbell.
My favorite author of historical books is Julie Garwood even though she writes more contemporary now. My favorite title: "Saving Grace"

Anonymous said...

I usually love the Mallory s by Johanna Lindsay.

alesia57 at hotmail dot com

Edna said...

Thanks so much! My favorite fictional historical hero is St. Vincent from Lisa Kleypas' Devil in Winter. LOVE HIM!

nalynboni AT gmail DOT com

Jen said...

I like Julie Garwood and Judith McNaught. My fav historical character - too many to name.

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, Nalini, what a cool contest! Thanks so much for promo-ing Gid! I'll mention it on Facebook and hopefully get you a few more entries! Hope you and all your readers have a wonderful 2011!

Heather Scarboro said...

One of my top favorites is Lillian Bowman from Lisa Kleypas's It Happened One Autumn.

Sotheara said...

After meeting Anna Campbell at ROMCON, I'm now a fan. I would love to add this book to my TBR pile!

Sheree said...

Love Anna Campbell's books!

My fave historical character is Steven Maturin from the Patrick O'Brian series.


Modokker said...

Sounds exciting! Love historicals!

Lisa B

modokker at yahoo dot com

Johanna R Jochum said...

Wow, this book looks hot! I would love to win! I love Anna's books! One of my favorite heroes is the Earl of Mayne from Eloisa James' Pleasure for Pleasure! He is a very naughty rake! LOL! Thanks for sharing with us today!


Emily said...

I've heard great things about this book and would love a chance to read it- thanks for offering the giveaway!

whatbookisthat at gmail dot com

April's Blog of Awesomeness said...

I love historicals. In fact, this book sounds really good. I love reading historicals by authors like Donna Fletcher and Julie Garwood...and the blurb sounds so promising . Based on the blurb, I would definately want to read it :-)

myrandaroyann said...

I'd love to read this book! This is a hard question but I'll have to go with Cleopatra. She's so fascinating! Also, the fact that I love ancient Egypt doesn't hurt. ;)

Nicola O. said...

no need to enter me, just wanted to agree that this was a great one!

Karen H said...

I don't read many historicals, but so far my favorite is
The Bride by Julie Garwood
Thanks for the giveaways!

Anonymous said...

I have been trying to get my hands on this book for some time now. Would be lovely to win a signed copy:) fingers crossed!

Melodi Flakes

Miss Delirious said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lgm52 said...

Love this author and would love to win this book....Her covers are also so enticing!

lgm52 said...

Love this author and would love to win this book....Her covers are also so enticing!

Crystal Posey said...

I've just started reading historicals this year, and I haven't had a chance to read Anna Campbell. So far my favorites are Julia Quinn's Olivia Bevelstoke & Sir Harry Valentine, from What Happens In London.

gamistress66 said...

I do enjoy how Anna writes a tormented hero & would love an autographed copy of her book. I hate having to pick a favorite hero or herione -- a book I'm reading or finished reading is often a fave, plus so many of my "keepers" include favorites that I love so it really makes it hard to pick just one.

gamistress66 (at)
aol (dot) com

Unknown said...

OMGoodness, my shelves are full of historical romances, but I haven't had a chance to read one in a while. My fave authors are probably Johanna Lindsey and Virginia Henley, but my favorite historical series is definitely by Elizabeth Lowell - Untamed, Forbidden and Enchanted - and my favorite couple is Dominic Le Sabre and his Lady Magaret the Glendruid. I've read their book at least half a dozen times... :-D

LDSModeller said...

Hi Nalini,
Thanks for the competition.

I love Jane Austen. I think she was very forward in her thinking for her times. I love her characters and the way she writes them. They all have flaws, but manage to overcome them with work. Her works are still relevant today.

Have a great New Years

mepamelia said...

Thanks for the opportunity. Sounds like a great book to read while anxiously awaiting Archangel's Consort! My favorite historical hero is Wulfric Bedwyn from Mary Balogh's "Slightly Dangerous."

Chelsea B. said...

I have so many that I love, but I think my favorite would have to be Mr. Darcy because I never tire of reading or watching his character, and, you know, he's just pretty wonderful :-)

Fredi said...

I'll have to go with Christopher Seton/Lord Saxton from "A Rose in Winter" by Kathleen Woodiwiss. I've never read Anna Campbell but always willing to be introduced to a new author!


Colette said...

Mr. Rochester -Jane Eyre was my favorite book when I was growing up. I still love brooding heroes with dark mysterious pasts. Thanks for the book recommendation -this sounds exactly like my kind of book!

Colette said...

My favorite would have to be Mr. Rochester -Jane Eyre was my favorite novel growing up, I still love dark brooding heroes with mysterious pasts.

Thanks for the recommendation, this sounds like exactly my kind of book.

Unknown said...

I really like the historical books that I have read by Lynsay Sands. Mostly, The Perfect Wife. And this is because the female lead was "full figured" I like to have a character that I can actually relate to

DanielleBull at gmail dot com

Amanda.Walker317 said...

yippee! would love to win

desere_steenberg said...

I love Anna Campbel books I would love to have a copy of this one !! My favorite historical character is definitely Mr Darcy from Pride & Prejudice.

Have a great day

Catherine said...

Can I have to fav heroes?
Brodick Buchanan fr. Julie Garwood and
James Malory fr. Johanna Lindsey

carriger4 at sbcglobal dot net

Shannon said...

I haven't had the pleasure of reading Anna Campbell, but the book sounds very good!

I would have to say I enjoyed Phillippa Gregory's character Anne of Cleves from "The Boleyn Inheritance."

Pauline H said...

I've never read Anna Campbell but the synopsis sounds very promising.

My favourite heroine would have to be Eve Dallas, the main protagonist from a fictional crime mystery/romance series by J.D. Robb. I love the concept of tough cop and she is one of the toughest cop I've read.

Thanks for hosting this contest!

lia said...

hmm, not sure who my fav historical hero/heroine would be, but as I child I admired Cleopatra very much- speaking 6 different languages and having at least 3 men wrapped around your finger has to count for something!

cheetah.pita {at} gmail (dot) com

Athena Yu said...

Looks like an interesting book, would love to read it!

My historical hero is Rommel. Yes, he was a Nazi, but he never persecuted or killed people based in their culture/ethnicity, managed to win astounding victories in France and Africa despite the lack of supplies,and tried to overthrow Hitler.


Miss Delirious said...

Whoops just realised my post went all funky!

My favourite historical is Tamar from the Tamar series by Deborah Challinor.

Tamar set sail from Plymouth, UK (my birth town) to Auckland (my current home) in 1879.

Throughout the trilogy it tells the story of not only her life but of what Auckland and the rest of New Zealand was like in its formative years.


gem dot wood at gmail dot com

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Just read 5 historicals back-2-back! So I'm kinda spoilt for choice. Hmmm...for now it has be be Kieran, Baron Rothewell in Liz Carlyle's "Never Romance a Rake". He's extremely flawed, but of course the heroine brings him around, and we all go "awwww..." But my all time fav is Mr Darcy, especially if Colin Firth is playing him.
Thanks for the chance.
Email: (there's no 'i' in the Prya)

Chapa said...

I'd love to try one of Anna Campbell's books.

lanath said...

I just started Stephanie Laurens "The Untamed Bride". Loving Del and can't wait to read the rest of the quartet.

Unknown said...

Favorite historical charachters would be ouberon and titiana from a midsummer nights dream

TracyG said...

My favorite is Gideon in Amanda Quick's Ravished! I've read a couple of recommendations for Anna Campbell and would really like to try this one!

Zoe said...

Favourite historical character? Can I mention two?
First, of course, there's Mr Darcy from Pride and Prejudice - reminds me of Judd Lauren - the ice man. Gorgeous, irresistible, loves his feisty Elizabeth.
Second, Thomas Mallen, a character from the historical novel The Mallen Streak. A Mallen Streak is a natural streak of white hair, and all Thomas Mallen's descendants have it - that's how you know what he's been up to, if you know what I mean ;) I have a Mallen Streak myself....what could that mean?!?!

Unknown said...

The book sounds really good, and yes I have gotten two copies of the same book, if I really like the book.

Lesley said...

The book looks fantastic I haven't read anything by Anna Campbell so will need to check her out.

My favourite character from history is William Marshal, also known as the "Greatest Knight". Elizabeth Chadwick wrote a fantastic book about him which led me into reading about Eleanor of Aquitaine and then Catherine of Aragon.

I also have a real soft spot for Mr Darcy (who doesn't?)

Anna said...

That sound like a very good novel. I've never tried Anna Campbell.

My favorite historical romance hero is Lord Westcliff from Lisa Kleypas' Wallflowers series. Then there is Derek Craven in Dreaming of You by LK.

Christine S said...

It's been ages since I read a historical romance. The last was The Golden Chronicles series by Patricia Veryan (yeah that long ago!) I'd love to check out Anna Campbell's book.



Jordan said...

I can't pick just one historical hero, so I'm just going to have to go with Julie Garwood's Highland heroes. Or maybe Caine or Lyon. But I also loved Caine's brother... They're all great!

Anyway, thanks for the contest and I can't wait to read Archangel's Consort and Kiss of Snow.

jbrink83 @ hotmail com

chong said...

I've never read Anna Campbell before so this definitely sounds like something I have to try! Thank you Nalini for your recommendation this opportunity ;-)

My favourite historical hero and heroine has to be Derek Craven and Sara Fielding from Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas! They have got The Sweetest Relationship...

Kris said...

i have not read her before. It sounds interesting, please enter me :)

Sophie said...

This looks like a fantastic read!! Fingers crossed :)

Have to say my fave historical hero is the under appreciated Mr Thornton from Elizabeth Gaskell's "North and South"... ahhh :P

elizabeth said...

I do not usually read historicals, but this on sounds like it might be good.

My favorite historical hero, to an extent, would be napoleon. Until the power went to his head, he believed he was helping france.

My favorite historical heroine would be queen elizabeth I or queen victoria, because they both stood up to a male dominated court and ruled as they wanted to rule.

LynnL said...

I would enjoy reading an author I haven't read before.

Erika said...

I love Stephanie Laurens Cynsters series. Demon and Honoria are a great start couple for the series.

Unknown said...

My favorite historical hero and heroine are Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy.

Anonymous said...

Helen G. says...

Thanks Nalini!!! It sounds marvelous!!!

Some faves are... Ravished heroes from A. Quick and I also love Johanna Lindsey's books. As well as the Cynster series by Stephanie Laurens. I would love a copy!! Thanks for the Happy New Year, and to you as well!!!

Happy New Year!!!!

Helen G.

Nalini Singh said...

Thanks for all the great comments everyone!

The random winner has been drawn and it's ERIKA. Congratulations! Please email me your mailing address at: nalinisinghwrites AT gmail DOT com.

Erika said...

I can't believe I won! I've always wanted a signed book! Thanks so much!

Anna Campbell said...

Congratulations, Erika! Happy reading! And, Nalini, thanks again for running the contest! Mwah!

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