Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday Book Club

Time to discuss what books you're loving this week!


Unknown said...

Yesterday I finished Industrial Magic by kelley Armstrong, and I loved it.
Now I'm reading Mortal Sins by Eileen Wilks

ElenaA said...

Haha awesome question, I am actually re-reading your books :) Yesterday I started Lucas' book and today I am on Dorian's.Really soon I will be starting Blaze of Memory,since I did read Riley's book yesterday also:)P.s I noticed something very interesting.When you re-read books for the 7 time, yo notice stuff like that:P You did a GREAT job showing the differences between the wolfs and leopards.They have different animal characteristcs, and I just picked up on that :) Great JOB!

Missy Ann said...

I've got Meljean Brook's The Iron Duke in my hot little hands. Only 97 pages in but I'm enjoying it immensely.

I also read A Book of Tongues by Gemma Files this week. Not sure how I feel about it, but I don't regret reading it and want the second in the series (isn't published yet). It was so very different...

Jackie (Literary Escapism) said...

I just finished up Grave Witch by Kalayna Price and absolutely loved it. I so can't wait to read more about Death and Andrews and all the trouble they are going to cause Alex.

DLSarmywife said...

Let's see I finished 4 books this week as well as listened to Archangel's Kiss on audiobook! (LOVED IT!!!!) This week I read 'Guardian' and 'Master of Fire' both by Angela Knight, 'Captive Desires' by Diane Whiteside, 'Be With Me' by Maya Banks and 'Wild, Wicked & Wanton' by Jaci Burton! All fabulous reads!

Saskia said...

I finished The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N. K. Jemisin and now I started reading The Laurentine Spy by Emily Gee because it was waiting in my bookshelf and after Emily Gee was guest author in the blog I decided it is time now to read it.

noyba said...

I just finished reading an ARC of Four Play by Maya Banks and Shayla Black. I loved it and i can definately recommend it for others, though a warning that it is explicit erotica depicting menage situations.

Unknown said...

I started "once bitten twice shy" a few days ago, couldn´t believe it when i heard that Jennifer Rardin died! I really enjoyed the book and just ordered the second one.

Unknown said...

I just got Dark Peril and I'm absolutely loving it

Shiloh Walker said...

Finished Amidst a Field of Stars by Megan Hart and did a reread of Nora Roberts' Honest Illusions

Erin E. said...

Just finished Demon From the Dark by Kresley Cole, her latest in the IAD series, it was awesome!

Debating what to start now, might be the Lords of the Underworld by Gena Showalter.

Also on to Mine to Possess in re-reading yours!

Tiona said...

Erin E., me too! I just finished Demon From the Dark last night and am lost now as to what to read next. Usually everything pales in comparison after reading Kresley Cole or Nalini Singh!

Erin E. said...

Princess Bumblebee, I know!! At least POP comes out in Nov and the new IAD is Feb. But I swear it feels like forever!

Oh, well, Bayou Moon by Ilona Andrews comes out next week and The Iron Duke is the week after, they will keep me occupied for a couple days!

marie3of3 said...

I just finished both 'Bewitched & Betrayed' by Lisa Shearin and 'Hell Fire' by Ann Aguirre.

Just starting 'Twice Tempted by a Rogue' by Tessa Dare..

Florentina said...

I am experimenting with new authors in the moment and decided to read "The happy home for broken hearts" by Rowan Coleman. A really nice book and I am happy that I've found it!

Diane said...

I'm reading "No Mercy" by Sherrilyn Kenyon and it's just great; there are funny parts, serious and dangerous parts; wonderful read.

Mary Frazier said...

I Reading Book one in the Sisters of Silverwood Series by Viola Grace I Love Her Work. :)

Mo the monster said...

I'm reading a German book called 'Entschuldigung, sind Sie die Wurst?' (engl.: Sorry, are you the sausage?). It's a kind of collection of funny quotations people overheard on the streets and sent to the internetsite I have to say that I laugh a lot when I read the quotations. It's funny to know what sometimes people talk about. I really like the book.

Anonymous said...

I`m reading "The golden city" by John Twelve Hawks.

Louise said...

I'm reading a gigantic book called "The History of Architecture".It has soooo many pages....

Unknown said...

I'm reading Villette by Charlotte Bronte it is fantastic. I keep worrying it wont have a happy ending though lol

foreverfaithful said...

I'm reading Scorched by Sharon Ashwood. Good so far...

orannia said...

I fnished Traitor's Moon (Lynn Flewelling) over the weekend. Am currently reading a yaoi manga and then hope to start Kushiel's Dart (Jacqueline Carey :)

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