Wednesday, September 01, 2010


What's everyone up to today? :-)


Cherry said...

School just started today. Have 5 classes (18 credits). Already insane.

kylie said...

Second day into new job...exhausted but truly grateful to have a job!

Erin said...

At work having fun!

Missy Ann said...

My Kindle 3 arrived, I gave my Kindle 1 to my husband... and he's acting like he's the first person in the world to discover how cool it is.

Diane said...

Working on my day off, called in for someone sick, when I had plans to read Born to Bite by Lynsay Sands.

Roksana said...

At work....Ssshhhh!!! ;)

Unknown said...

Working and counting down to vaacation time!

Roksana said...

Nalini....what are you upto today??
I have been thinking about that quote on your facebook page alot....I mean I was about one more quote (With out giving too much away)for your devoted fans here and FB?? ;)

Anonymous said...

Been catching up on blog posts. Home school starts tomorrow. I wrote eleven pages and started my first Susan Wiggs book today.

The Consummate Reader said...

studying japanese characters for my japanese class tomorrow. >;[

Anonymous said...

I`m heading home to celebrate my birthday with family and friends at the evening.

Shiloh Walker said...

does trying to wake up count for much????

forevrfaithful said...

Just ordered Sin Undone for my Kindle for's rainy and stormy out today, so I think I'll stay in, cuddle up and dig in...

Anonymous said...

Impatiently waiting for my Kindle 3 to arrive.

Lola said...

School just started, hate it lol its hell!

Hope said...

Been hopping for another GH:3 snippet! Exhausted with school and exams!

Jenny Schwartzberg said...

At work, compiling assorted lists for the Annual Report. Sigh... About to go to lunch and reread Sharon Lee and Steve Miller's Mouse and Dragon.

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