Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Bayou Moon by Ilona Andrews

I posted about how awesome I think Bayou Moon is over on Oddshots, but I'll say it again. It's a fantastic book!

Also, I think it stands very well alone, so you can dive straight into this even if you haven't read the first book in the series - On the Edge.

Excerpt on Ilona's Website.


Erin E. said...

I can't wait! I will be buying this book on Wed as soon as I can!

Diane said...

I'll look for it and read the blurb since I haven't tried Ilona's books yet.

Diane said...

I'll look for it and read the blurb since I haven't tried Ilona's books yet.

Chachic said...

I can't wait to read this! I loved On the Edge and they say this one is even better.

Mindy said...

Can you guys tell me, are her (Ilona Andrews) books romances? They seem interesting to me but I only read romances so have hesitated to read one.

Thanks :-)

ST said...

My book is on its way. So is Kate 4. I LOVE the Kate Daniels series as well.

orannia said...

I did enjoy On the Edge.

Mindy - On the Edge has romance. I wouldn't call it a straight romance, but there is a HEA at the end if that helps. WRT the Kate Daniels series, there is a romantic thread, but it's not the main focus and develops over several books. Does that help?

Jake said...

Hey Nalini,
I was wondering i'm new to the changling/Psy Series but do i have to read them in order?
Thank you

Nalini Singh said...

Mindy, Orannia is spot on. The Edge books are very romantic, while the Kate books have a romantic thread that runs over several books.

Jake, you don't have to read them in order, but there is an overarching storyline that I think you'll enjoy more if you do.

Lisa C said...

Woohoo! Just picked this up yesterday.. I LOVE Ilona and Gordon's books. :)

And yours too of course Nalini!!! I am patiently awaiting Play of Passion to come out, but it's hard! I'm dying to read about Drew and Indigo.

Mindy said...

Thanks everyone :-) It does help. I am always looking for new authors but since I only read romances (I have to read "other stuff" for work so romance is my "pleasure read" choice LOL) I like to make sure before I buy a book that it is a romance. Sometimes I have trouble when an author writes a couple different types of books :-) You guys were a great help, I will go out and get the Edge book...

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