Saturday, June 12, 2010

Worldbuilding Interview

I recently did an interview with Raelene Gorlinsky of Ellora's Cave talking worldbuilding, and it's now up at Redlines and Deadlines!


Lola said...

I'm such a big fan of the Guild Hunter Series and the Psy-Changeing Series I always love gaining insight into how other authors and see how they approach their work, so that I can see if it would work for my work
so thanks Nalini :D

Louise said...

I really love reading your interviews:)

Helen Lowe said...

Fascinating interview, Nalini. I think world building is one of the most exciting aspects of being a Fantasy-SciFi (or speculative fiction)writer, as well as requiring the continutiy discipline you mention.

Anonymous said...

Nice interview & thanks again for the Q&A! I wanna speed up time so I can read the next GH novel (and a certain wolf's book)!

orannia said...

Will read it tonight - thank you!

Jess McAlister said...

Great interview and so interesting to see how you keep your notes after book one.

I think its vital that an author sticks to its original rules. I know authors that have not and I alway feel cheated.

I also know authors that set themselves to strict a set of rules so that some drastic and in my opinion idiotic plots to try and write around the rules they set.

its a fine line and I think you tread it perfectly. :)

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