Saturday, June 05, 2010

For all my librarian friends

Julia Quinn posted this on Facebook and I had to repost!


ShellBell said...

Everybody seems to be doing something Lady Gaga these days. Loved the Royal NZ Ballet's Lady Gaga Ballet to Bad Romanace on YouTube.

Anonymous said...

Nice video! I like it:-).

Cat R. said...

ROTFLMAO!!! Librarians (bad pun) rock!

orannia said...

LOL! And ShellBell bet me too it - I was just about to mention the RNZB's Bad Romance ballet, which was brilliant IMHO!

Madhura said...

LOL. Nice. I think we often underestimate how hard being a good librarian is.

Jess McAlister said...

I loved this LOL

I emailed it to a bunch of family and friends, I am very impressed with their wit :)

Thanks for sharing it!!!

PeppyPilotGirl said...

Love it! Passing it on to my librarian friends!

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