Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bookstore Story

Walk into bookstore.

Think - absolutely will not buy anything because to-be-read pile is now several piles.

Ten minutes and three books later...


emmad said...

I'm sure I could take some of those books of your piles for you :)

Chelsea B. said...

Yes, I can relate. But for me, its more like 'seven books later....' ;-)

Ang from Oz said...

Its always the way isn't it. My TBR Pile is a Tower!!

Chudney Thomas said...

Right there with you.

orannia said...


Oh, Nalini - what did you buy?

MaryK said...


I've had to put myself on a buying ban until I've read at least a few off my TBR list. [It's no longer a pile; there are books crammed everywhere.]

azteclady said...

Did you stop at three?

If so, I commend your will power.

Me, I deal with it by not visiting bookstores unless I have money to burn (which is, oh... never!) Heck, half the time I can't get out of the grocery store without fighting an all out war with myself over the pitiful book racks by the entrance!

Book addicts R us, huh? ;-)

kylie said...

:) My TBR pile is halfway to the ceiling now. If only Borders/BN would stop luring me with those pesky email coupons than surely the madness would stop. Not.

Marnie said...

Oh you must be talking about me.... Oh wait I got 5 books. Darn membership and 10% off

Gail Leinweber said...

This story seems familiar... There must be a reason.(looks over at book stacks)Hmmm

Jenny Schwartzberg said...

Sigh. I have a room full of TBR books to read but I can't stop buying books. I'm baaad. And of course I'll be buying Bonds of Justice the minute I spot it in the stores!

Anonymous said...

Bookstores should come with a warning.

Then again, who needs to eat?

Cherry said...

Happens all the time, only one week later, I'm finished.

Unknown said...

You know I'm not sure why but that reminds me of someone I know :)

Ingrid J said...

hmmm wish i had piles :( I buy them and read them within two days...and dont get me started on ebooks! :P

Danica Avet said...

I feel your pain! I never walk out of a bookstore with less than 6 books and don't even get me started on online shopping *shudders*

ladyacct said...

As I bring home another nine I just look at the hubby and say there are worse things to be addicted to!!!!! Even worse I am a book hoarder and don't share with no one but my mommy and daddy <=..=>

Barbarita V said...

I guess I am not the only one, ha!

Madhura said...

I know. Exactly the same here. I finally had to buy a Nook because I just don't have any room left for more. Not sure if it will help with the addiction, I kinda think it will worsen it. But hey, am not complaining. =)

Sherri L. said...

I hear you, It's almost as bad if you go online and look at the bookstore websites by the time you finish looking you have several books in your online cart.

Nalini Singh said...

@Orannia - Julia Quinn, Nora Roberts, and the latest Rachel Gibson (a new author for me.)

@azteclady Book addicts R us <- maybe we should have a badge *g*

Anonymous said...

Think of those of us that work in bookstores. :) I tell customers who make jokes about buying too many books that we(employees) joke about not bringing credit cards or too much money to work because it is too tempting to buy things. My TBR book shelves are stuffed to overflowing.

azteclady said...





Kaleigha said...

I just hit the 80 mark on my TBR pile, and when I was done putting the new ones away I had to come back to the computer and pre-order next months fix.

My record binge at the book store was 23 at one time...including the entire Dark-Hunter series. I still haven't gotten to any of them yet...

Florentina said...

Oh, I know that! I have not wanted to buy any books in June, but today I came home with two! I don't have any discipline with books!

Bahamamama said...

Piles on piles, under tables and around the tv!! When will I ever get around to reading them? Maybe after grad school

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