Thursday, June 24, 2010

Bonds of Justice News & Reviews

I've had emails about whether Bonds of Justice would be available in Kindle format on release date (July 6). The answer is yes - for both the Kindle and for other ebook formats (no live links yet but keep an eye out).

Also, I wanted to share some great reviews for Bonds that have just gone live in the blogsphere.
Every time I read a Psy-Changeling novel, it feels like I'm coming home. Nalini's characters are like family to me....Bonds of Justice delivers a jammed packed, adrenaline rush of a story and an amazing couple with Max and Sophia.
Read the full review at Babbling About Books
I was lapping this book up like the best dessert ever. The kind with the good calories. I love this series and it’s so rare that I get to say that when we’re this many books in. I loved Max and Sophia’s hot romance and I am still just as excited about this series as I ever was back in its beginnings.
Read the full review at Lurv A La Mode
The chemistry is definitely hot between the two main characters , but they have to overcome tremendous odds to be together...It is a wonderful story...
Read the full review on the eHarlequin Community Boards

I'm getting so excited about the release date! I'll actually be in the U.S. around that time so I plan to lurk in bookstores ;-)

In truth, I'm going to be attending RomCon in Denver. It's a reader focused convention being held in Denver, Colorado, July 9-11th. If you're in the area, or close, do check it out. It looks like it's going to be a whole lot of fun!


orannia said...

Oh, congrats on the great reviews Nalini! Fantastic!

And I know someone going to RomCon...not me unfortunately :)

kylie said...

Love reading reviews. Less than 2 wks away before BoJ. Nalini, I hope you visit NYC one of these days :)

Melissa G. said...

Looking forward to reading BoJ!

Unknown said...

I hope you do a book tour soon... when you do don't forget to come down to Texas... :)

Jackie Uhrmacher said...

I'll be at RomCon!! You'll recognize me by the vacant expression of awe and multi-colored hair.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the great reviews :D

Lola said...

omg thats amazing reveiws!! i bet your proud :D i just can't wait any longer for it to come out :D

i might just pre-order it now because im from the UK its now out here

Nandiehills said...

Congratulations on the great reviews! I cannot wait to read this book.

Madhura said...

Nalini, those reviews sound amazing. I am so glad that we are so close to the release. Are there any plans to visit any bookstores in the SF Bay area? Would love to meet you.

Unknown said...

Congrats on the great reviews, can't wait for the book to come out

nskiddy21 said...

I just pre-ordered the Kindle version of Bonds of Justice from Amazon! Can't wait!

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