Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Book Club

It's book club time! What're you reading and loving this week?


Jenny Schwartzberg said...

I've just been rereading Angela Knight's short story, "Vampire Ball," in the Hot for the Holidays anthology.

I'm currently in the midst of an old children's book, Max Voegeli's The Wonderful Lamp (1955) which is a great take on the tales from the Arabian Nights swirled together into an original story. It would be a great read-aloud for older children.

Natasha said...

Immortals after Dark series by Kresley Cole. I don't know why I waited this long! Finished the first two books. They were great! Just starting the third one.

VernaVenisa said...

I'm actually reading nonfiction (*gasp*!) for the first time in ages. Craig Ferguson's "American on Purpose" is funny and a genuinely good read. Definitely worth picking up :]

Kati said...

I'm reading Silent in the Grave by Deanna Raybourn. It's wonderful.

Christina said...

Natasha, the IAD series is amazing! ♥ Kresley! If you haven't already, Gena Showalter's Lord of the Underworld series is also so, so good! And since she and Kresley are fans, some of the IAD characters crossed over into the Lords. (Sorry if you already knew all this).

I read Aiden's Charity and just picked up Coyote's mate. I've missed a few of the Breed books, had to go back and read the wolf/coyote ones. *after* I grade my students midterms, and read Pleasure of a dark prince & archangel's kiss... I am going to find time this weekend! :)

robsad79 said...

I'm reading Fragile by Shiloh Walker.

orannia said...

I just finished Robin McKinley's Chalice. I didn't find it an easy book to read. I've just (Page 4) started Lynn Flewlling's Luck in the Shadows!

I'm reading Silent in the Grave by Deanna Raybourn. It's wonderful.

Isn't it *grin* I'm not a first person fan, but that was the first book written in the first person that worked for me. Enjoy!

Vorpaks said...

Fantasy in Death by JD Robb!

Chelsea B. said...

I'm reading The Truth About Lord Stoneville by Sabrina Jeffries! Its the first book I've read by this author, and its fabulous!

Diane said...

Legend of the Whiet Wolf by Terry Spear, a shifter story; I enjoy Terry's books.

PeppyPilotGirl said...

No time to read this week but I love this weekly thread - it gives me such great things for my list!!

My BIL takes his citizenship test on the 1st - maybe I'll have to get him that Ferguson! And I definitely want to check out the Immortals After Dark.

Ang from Oz said...

I am reading "First Drop of Crimson" by Jeaniene Frost, its a spin off from her Night Huntress World. If you loved Cat and Bones, then this story is for you!

Up next is most likely "Happy Hour of the Damned" by Mark Henry or I am hoping my copy of "Shift" by Rachel Vincent arrives.

Just got next month book catalogue, so many interesting looking books...

One Bitten, Twice Dead by Bianca D'Arc, Voices of Dragon's by Carrie Vaughn, Need and Captivate by Carrie Jones. Also I have been thinking about trying Chris Marie Greens books, has anyone read her and enjoyed them?

Brooke Reviews said...

I just finished The Dark Divine by Bree Despain, it's a YA Paranormal. It was good, had some werewolves in it. :)

Now I'm reading Queen Victoria: Demon Hunter...which is interesting so far. :D

Maree Anderson said...

Hah! No brainer: Archangel's Kiss, of course! Left me gasping for breath. Seriously awesome.

Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl -- a gothic paranormal YA. Loved this one.

Soulless by Gail Carriger. Historical/paranormal/steampunk. Soooo delightful!

hapalochlaena said...

My favourite reads this week are Shadow Blade by Seressia Glass and Fantasy in Death by J D Robb.

I hope to see more of Kira Solomon (in August, actually) and I've started re-reading the entire Eve Dallas series(!).

Of course, if Kim Harrison's Black Magic Sanction hadn't been delayed in ebook format I'd be re-reading Rachel Morgan too.

Teri Anne said...

I am rereading "The Other series" by Christine Warren. It is about shapeshifters, Vampires, Fae Princesses and Demons who fall in love with each other or humans. It started out at Ellora's cave as ebooks and expanded to paperbacks

Anonymous said...

I've been re-reading this week.

I re-read DANCING WITH BUTTERFLIES by Reyna Grande. It's all about 4 women in a Mexican Folkloric dance troupe. It's wonderful and so visual. To top it off, I went to see to the a performance by the Ballet Folklorico de Mexico de Amalia Hernandez. It brought the book alive for me. The dances, the costumes. Wow.

I also re-read ARCHANGEL'S KISS after seeing the movie "Legion." The movie is about the end of the world and how the angel Michael resigns his commission to protect mankind from the other angels whom God has sent to destroy mankind. Well, the fight between the angels Michael and Gabriel was great. It brought AK vividly to mind. The wings were awesome. I could just see Raphael's and Illium's in my mind. I recommend the movie just for the visuals.

Well, back to my to-be-read pile. I'm hibernating today as New York is buried under another 2 feet of snow. Happy Reading.--Maria Ferrer, NYC

Anneela said...

I going to read Archangel's Kiss. Woo hoo!

Anonymous said...

Charlene Harris the Harper Conelly series I love them!

Madhura said...

Shift - Rachel Vincent. Love those Werecats.

Candace said...

Ang from Oz, I've read the first three by Chris Marie Green and I enjoyed them.

Yesterday I finished Black Magic Sanction by Kim Harrison and First Drop of Crimson by Jeaniene Frost.

Maria said...

I'm reading Blood Ties by Lori G. Armstrong.

Sylvia said...

Just finished Archangel by Sharon Shinn... not easy to read with that small print but good.

Tiona said...

Reading...ok, devouring, 'Pleasure of a Dark Prince' by Kresley Cole and loving every minute of it!
Have a great weekend, everyone!

Tiona said...

Natasha, I'm sure I'll see you at Kresley Cole's forum! She's awesome!

Anonymous said...

I just finished up "Finnikin of the Rock," a young adult book. What a tremendous read! I'm waiting for the next Anne Bishop book (which I know that Nalini has already read!)

Anonymous said...

I read "Wicked All Day" by Liz Carlyle. I loved it!

Maria said...

I'm rereading some of Anne Bishop's books to prepare for her new release on Tuesday. I can't wait!

Amanda said...

Larissa Ione's "Ecstasy Unveiled", it's awesome! The whole Demonica series she has is quite excellent. I always get so lost in the story I lose all track of time!

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