Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Linkety Link

Some links for you all today.

The Knight Agency is giving away Leslie Parrish's Black at Heart in their Take Home Tuesday post.

Ilona Andrews has a pretty, pretty cover for Magic Bleeds.

The Book Smugglers have kicked off Smugglivus with a post and giveaway by author Joel Sutherland. I'm also taking part in Smugglivus and will be posting next week :)

Rowena at The Book Binge is spotlighting Julie Garwood - Ms. Garwood has written some of my most favorite historicals ever. Saving Grace, Ransom, Honor's Splendor...I have a whole JG keeper shelf.

The Galaxy Express has a post about the upcoming SFR Holiday Blitz, where you can read posts by and win books by authors of science fiction romance.

Enjoy blog-hopping!


orannia said...

Ohhh, thank you Nalini!

ShellBell said...

I love Ilona Andrews and can't wait for Magic Bleeds to be released. Would love to get my hands (so to speak) on the eBook of On The Edge, unfortunately the dreaded geographical restriction at Fictionwise and unavailability of the eBook anywhere else has put the kibosh on that possibility and it means that I will end up borrowing the book from the library instead!

I love Julie Garwood's earlier historicals so will definitely have to check out The Book Binge.

Tiona said...

Thnx, Nalini, for tuning us in, as it were! Great stuff!

Heather Massey said...

Nalini, thanks so much for the linkage to the SFR Holiday Blitz.

By the way, did you see the enthusiastic blog post at Spacefreighters Lounge regarding your Psy-Changeling series?


Nalini Singh said...

Heather, thx for the link :)

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